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Peer Review Looking at Texts from a Reader’s Point of View Peer Review? What is that? Objective feedback Seeing someone’s text from your own perspective Explaining to them how you ‘see’ it Being kind, yet honest, in the process The ‘Who’ of Peer Review Who is the best person to review your writing? Peers… because they probably think like you Instructors… because they know what they hope to teach you Friends… because they can catch mistakes you do not see The ‘What’ of Peer Review What is the best way to ‘use’ Peer Review? Response-Centered Workshops Peers note their personal responses to the text Writer of the text listens but does not enter conversation Process-based Advice-Centered Workshops Peers first review and then give advice on the text Writer and Reviewer then talk together Product-based The ‘Where’ of Peer Review Where does Peer Review work best? Peer Review works best in a structured environment Classrooms Conferences Writing Lab The Writing Lab at Purdue is Peer Review Thirty-minute sessions Assignment Feedback The ‘When’ of Peer Review When does Peer Review work best? When you need overall feedback How does it sound? What do you think? Does it make sense? When you need specific feedback Topic Sentences Organization Introduction Conclusion Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling The ‘Why’ of Peer Review Why does Peer Review work? We see our writing ‘through’ another person We see how other students think and write We see others’ writing strengths weaknesses We see new ideas and new ways of explaining ideas We learn to look at our own writing in a different way The ‘How’ of Peer Review Peer Review works by being a helpful reader Ways you can respond as a helpful reader: If you get confused or lost Mark an ‘X’ in the text where you are confused Ask the writer to explain his or her ideas Ask the writer to state his or her thesis Help the writer to brainstorm (mapping, outlining, etc.) Ask the writer to fill in the blanks: My purpose in t


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