The Mobile Market Equation - Bienvenidos al Portal …:the移动市场方程——欢迎来到门…….ppt

The Mobile Market Equation - Bienvenidos al Portal …:the移动市场方程——欢迎来到门…….ppt

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The Mobile Market Equation - Bienvenidos al Portal …:the移动市场方程——欢迎来到门……

The Invisible Internet How Wireless WANS, LANS and PANS and IP Anywhere Will Change Our World Sponsor: Association for Corporate Growth Speaker: John B. Landry Lead Dog Ventures john@ Is there something going on here? H1 2002 Forecasts 1 Billion Wireless Subscribers (was 2004!) Wireless Phones WW Wired Phones Mobile Internet Users PC Internet Users Verizon offers 300Kbps CDMA Network Nov 2000: 10B WW SMS Messages Sent Growth Rate: 50% / Month! 2005: 5.4B Installed Bluetooth Modules Samsung Demo’s Video Cell Phone Another Inflection Point? Oh No.. Not Again! Moore’s Law Continues Processor Price Perfomance Doubles Every 18 Months Gilder’s Law Continues Bandwidth Multiplies 3X Every 3 Years Metcalfe’s Law Continues The Value of a Network Increases to the Square of the Number of Participants IBM’s Law Continues Storage Price Performance Doubles Every 12 Months Mobile Business Drivers New Business Expansion Technology Advances Better mobile devices and supporting connectivity software High-speed Internet access Growing Mobile Solutions Individual Adoption of Mobile Devices Blurring of Personal/Professional Time SHD Projected Growth Rates Smart Phone Growth Soars Worldwide! Europe will pioneer launch followed quickly by Japan, AP and US Smart phone products will be built first on GSM, then migrated to 2.5G and 3G wireless networks Current browser phones will slow adoption of SmartPhones Symbian, Microsoft, and Palm all investing heavily in this area The “Off-Campus” Wireless ‘Net G2.5 and G3 Networks Are Happening Here! Smart Handheld Devices Samsung’s Color VOD Phone Introduced 5/16/2001! CDMA2000 1x (Verizon/Sprint PCS) 144Kbps, 200,000 Colors Built-in Camera, MPEG4 Decoder, Stereo Player Handheld Companions OS Platform Battles Continue Palm OS will continue to dominate Windows CE gains share with Pocket PC EPOC (Symbian) maintains niche status and expands with new form factors Personal Companions Go Wireless Wireless Includes Integr


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