PAG MANUAL WORKSHOP OUTLINE - US Environmental PAG手工作坊概述-美国环境.ppt

PAG MANUAL WORKSHOP OUTLINE - US Environmental PAG手工作坊概述-美国环境.ppt

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PAG MANUAL WORKSHOP OUTLINE - US Environmental PAG手工作坊概述-美国环境

Hidden Slide Hidden Slide * * * * * We hope you have found this workshop to be informative and useful. Please fill out the brief survey provided in your handouts. This will help us to improve the workshop for future participants. And, don’t forget to comment on the manual when it is released for comment! Thank you, and enjoy the rest of your day. This brings us to a point in this summary where we can discuss the differences between radiological releases from nuclear power plant incidents and from terrorist incidents, such as an RDD or “dirty bomb”. While the PAGs in each of the phases, as well as the food and water PAGs, are not different for terrorist or power plant incidents, there are significant differences that will have an impact on the situation in which they are applied. To bring our workshop discussion to life, we’re going to alternate our examples between various scenarios. The first is the detonation of a radiological dispersion device that releases a plume of radioactive material, while the another scenario involves a nuclear power plant incident which causes an atmospheric release of radioactive isotopes. The demographic and geographic areas that are impacted would be somewhat similar; however, the communication efforts and protective actions—especially in the Early Phase—can be quite different, due to the nature of the event, as you might expect. An RDD event results in an immediate potential exposure situation, with little or no warning. Evacuation of all population groups in the plume path may not be possible prior to exposure, and emergency response organizations may or may not be as well-equipped or trained as offsite response organizations near nuclear power plants. On the other hand, in an incident at a nuclear power plant, there may be some time between the first notification of the public that an incident has occurred and the first release of radioactive material from containment. For example, though there are no “typical” nuclear acci



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