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浅析中小企业销售人员薪酬激励 摘 要 在高度竞争的市场经济条件下,企业能否占有高比例的市场份额,能否提高销售利润对于一个企业的生存和发展是非常重要的,销售人员是企业销售力的源泉,而销售力是企业的核心竞争力,尤其是在经济衰退期,销售力更是企业存亡的关键要素。销售人员是直接为企业带来收入进而决定利润的行为个体,这种关系就决定了销售人员对于企业的重要性。企业能否拥有一个优秀的销售团队和能否发挥销售人员的最大效用往往关系到企业的生存和发展,制定激励性的薪酬制度激励企业最重要的资产——销售人员,就成为企业员工激励的重中之重。 近几年来,我国中小企业越来越意识到销售人员的薪酬激励问题,销售人员的薪酬激励也得到了一定程度的完善。但在销售人员的激励性薪酬设计方面,中小企业还面临着很多挑战。直接表现的现象就是家族式管理思想的滞后性、薪酬公平度低、薪酬差异大、薪酬模式单一、薪酬模式缺乏创新等等,这反映出薪酬激励部分是每位中小企业管理者应当重视的问题。 本文通过对我国中小企业销售人员的特性以及中小企业销售人员薪酬激励现状的分析,并结合相关理论知识和前人研究的结论,提出了一些完善的建议和策略:第一,家族式管理思想的转变;第二,建立弹性的销售人员薪酬激励制度;第三,销售人员薪酬激励的动态性改进;第四增强销售人员激励性薪酬的公平性;第五,建立灵活的奖金制度和自助式的福利体系;第六,非货币性薪酬激励。 关键字:中小企业; 销售人员; 薪酬; 激励 Incentive pay of sales staff of SMEs Abstract In a highly competitive market economy, enterprises can share a high percentage of market share, profits can increase sales for a companys survival and development is very important. Sales staff is the source of enterprise sales force, while the sales force is the core competitiveness of enterprises, especially in a recession, sales force is a key element of corporate survival. Sales revenue for the enterprise directly and then determine the behavior of individual profit, this relationship determines the importance of the enterprise sales force. Enterprises can have a good sales team and sales staff can play a maximum effectiveness is often related to the survival and development of enterprises, development of incentive incentive pay system the most important business assets - sales staff, staff motivation to become Top priority. In recent years, sales of small and medium enterprises are increasingly aware of the pay incentive problems, incentive pay of sales staff has also been a degree of perfection. But in the sales incentive compensation design staff, the SMEs also face many challenges. Phenomenon is the direct expression of the lag of family management thinking, low pay equity, salary differences, and pay a single model, lack of innovation, and so pay models, reflecting the incentive pay is that each


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