刘文红Unit 3课件.ppt

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刘文红Unit 3课件

Section A Period Three Where can I buy some medicine? Excuse me, do you know where I can buy some medicine? Which question is more polite (礼貌)? When does the band start playing this evening? Could you tell us when the band starts playing this evening? Where should we go next? I wonder where we should go next. Which question is more polite? I know that the Water Festival is really fun. Mary thinks that the teams were fantastic. I wonder if they will have the races again next year. 主语 谓语 从句 宾语 宾语从句 (objective clauses) 在复合句中,由一个_____充当_____,这个句子叫做宾语从句。引导宾语从句的常见关联词有____, ___, _______, _____, _____, _____, ______等。 句子 宾语 that if whether what where why how 请分别找出句中的主语、谓语、宾语从句 To learn to use Objective clauses (学习使用宾语从句) 边读边观察(一):你能总结出引导宾语从 句的关联词的用法吗? 1. The race is so interesting to watch. I think. I think that the race is so interesting to watch. 2.?Does?Mr.?Brown?enjoy?living?in?China??Could?you ?tell?us? Could?you?tell?us? if/ whether Mr.?Brown? enjoys? ? living?in?China? 3. When?does?the?train?leave??I?want?to?know. ??????I?want?to?know?when the?train leaves?.? ? ? 陈述句做宾语从句,由连词that引导 一般疑问句做宾语从句,由连词if/whether引导 特殊疑问句做宾语从句, 由原疑问词引导 Let’s have a try!用关联词完成复合句   1.These flowers are from Guangdong. He says. He says _______ these flowers are from Guangdong.   2.Can they speak French? I want to know. I want to know ______ they can speak French. 3.Are the children playing games? Tell me. Tell me ______ the children are playing games. 4.Where does she park her car? Do you know? Do you know _____ she parks her car? 5.What does he often talk about? The girl wondered. The girl wondered _____ he often talked about.    that If/whether if/whether where what Where can I buy some medicine? Excuse me, do you know where I can buy some medicine? 边读边观察(二): 你能发现特殊疑问句变成宾语从句后,语序发生了什么变化吗? Where should we go next? I wonder where we should go next. 宾语从句用陈述句语序:引导词+主语+谓语+其他成分 Let’s have a try!完成复合句,注意语序。 1.How man


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