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牛津译林版九年级下Unit2 Readng 1课件(共32张PPT)
a footprint 1. When did Armstrong become interested in flying? 2.What did he do after he became a test pilot? Astronaut(s):_____________________ Title(头衔): _____________________ Mission(任务):_____________________ Accident: _____________________ Solution: _____________________ Find out the mistakes On 20 June 1969,Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon.Together with Buzz Aldrin, he landed the spacecraft Gemini 8 on the Moon.He said the famous words“one small step for (a) man,one giant leap for humans ” as he stepped out onto the Moon‘s surface.(3个错误) Armstrong and Aldrin walked on the Moon for about three and a half hours.They collected Moon plants to take back to the Earth for further research.When Apollo 11 returned, the Americans was waiting to greet them.They were heroes.(3个错误) What award was Armstrong presented ? B2, Skim the text again and finishing the table(B2) * Reading 1 ` Great people Thomas Edison Christopher Columbus William Shakespeare Nelson Mandela Peter Tchaikovsky Qian Xuesen 查 ` an inventor create over 1,000 inventions 一位发明家 创造了一千多项发明 爱迪生从小就对发明感兴趣。 Edison was interested in inventing when he was very young. 他发明了如此多的有用的东西以至于人们的生活 得到了很大改善。 He invented so many useful things that people’s lives improved a lot. ` 一位总统 一名为……权利斗争的斗士 曼德拉一生都致力于为非洲黑人争取权利而斗争。 Mandela devoted all his life to fighting for the rights of black Africans. 那位女总统也是一位为妇女权利斗争的斗士。大家都很尊敬她。 The woman president is also a fighter for the rights of women. And everyone respects her very much. a president a fighter for the rights of... ` 一位探险家 第一批发现美洲的欧洲人之一 那个名叫哥伦布的探险家是个意大利人。 The explorer called Columbus was an Italian. 图片上的农民是首批在美洲生活的欧洲人。 The farmers in the picture were the first Europeans to live in America. an explorer one of the first Europeans to discover America Who is he?What did he do? Neil Armstrong the first man walked on the Moon 导 Neil Armstrong an astronaut n.宇航员 学 Neil Armstrong the first man to w
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