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市易法失败原因之浅析 法学专业学生 刘维维 指导老师 罗良 摘要:北宋时期的熙宁变法是中国封建社会一次重要的政治革新运动。王安石作为熙宁变法的领导者和实践者,针对北宋积贫积弱的社会局面,提出了诸多革新措施,对当时的社会产生了巨大影响。市易法作为王安石变法中的一项重要举措,带有时代的先进性,但是随着变法的失败,市易法施行中出现的一些问题成为学术讨论的热点,众家各执一词。笔者从法理的角度——即法与经济基础的关系来探讨这个问题,认为市易法之所以失败,是因为虽然其具有一定的先进性,但由于与当时宋代经济基础不相适应,很难施行下去,因而失败也是必然的。市易法失败的教训也为我们解决当前我国立法中出现一些争论提供了借鉴。 关键词:市易法;经济基础;上层建筑;立法 A Discussion on the Reasons of Being Frustrated Concerning the Law of Dealing Student majoring in Law LIU Weiwei Tutor LUO Liang Abstract: Xi Ning political reform of Northern Song Dynasty is an important political innovation movement of China feudal society period. To the poor accumulated deterioration of the Northern Song Dynasty, Wang An-shi, as the political reform leader and executant, proposed many innovation measures. It had the huge influence to the society. The Law of Dealing is regarded as an important action in Wang Anshis political reform, the advance with times, but the failure of it in political reform let some questions appear and become focus of academic discussion in implementing; all families stick to ones own version. The author discusses this question by the angle of Jurisprudence,what concerning about law and economic base .The law of dealing is advanced, but because it did not adapt at that time with the Song Dynasty economic base, so it was very difficult to execute, thus was defeated also was inevitable. The failure lessons of the law of dealing solve current our country for us to legislate appears some arguments to provide the model. Key words: the Law of Dealing;Economic Base;Superstructure;Legislation 王安石午枕觉来闻语鸟。欹眠似听朝鸡早。忽忆故人今总老。贪梦好。茫然忘了邯郸道。由官府设置专门机构,参与交易,吞吐物资,平抑物价的一种政策解决豪商巨贾操纵市场,控制同行,压价收购外地货物,高价出售,从中获取暴利的行为。熙宁三年 (1070)保平军节度使推官王韶在陕西古谓寨,用官钱设市易司,控制西北边境贸易,一年可收入10~20万贯。熙宁五年,王安石接受魏继宗建议设“常平市易司”,先在汴京试行,后改为都提单市易司,又在重要城镇设市易司(务)隶属都市易司。市易法的主要内容有:确定市易务组织规则,由政府指派提举官一人主管,下设监官二员,勾当公司官一员,并召募商贾充当市易务的行人和牙人,从事货物买卖。参加市易务的行人须以财物作抵,五人以上相互作保,方可向市易务赊购货物出售。贷款须在半年至一年内还清,半年付息10%,一年付息20%,过期不还,每月另加2%的罚款。对外来客商的货物,许其至市易


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