
uvfenton降解全氟辛酸及其机理研究-study on degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid by uvfenton and its mechanism.docx

uvfenton降解全氟辛酸及其机理研究-study on degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid by uvfenton and its mechanism.docx

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uvfenton降解全氟辛酸及其机理研究-study on degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid by uvfenton and its mechanism

摘要全氟化合物由于具有高的表面活性、高的耐热及化学稳定性以及高的光通透 性,被广泛应用于乳化剂、泡沫灭火剂、纸张涂料及清洁剂等。这类物质性质稳 定,在自然界中不易被降解,具有持久性及生物累积性,且对人体器官、生殖系 统及免疫系统等均具有潜在毒性,因此近年来备受关注。2009 年 5 月的斯德哥 尔摩公约缔约方大会第四届会议将这类物质中的全氟辛烷磺酸及其盐类、全氟辛 基磺酰氯列为 POPs。在全氟化合物中,多数前驱体经降解后主要生成全氟辛酸(PFOA)和全氟辛烷磺酸(PFOS)。 利用羟自由基(·OH)氧化作用的高级氧化技术常用于难降解有机污染物的处理。但目前大多数研究者认为·OH 对全氟化合物的降解无作用,主要原因是全 氟化合物中 C-H 键全被 C-F 键取代,导致·OH 从被降解有物上的摘氢过程受阻。 针对这一难题,本文旨在通过 UV 光辐照强化 Fenton 过程实现全氟化合物的降 解。本文在加大 Fenton 试剂用量,并用 254nm 的 UV 光照下,对 PFOA 进行了 降解,并优化了降解条件。UV-Fenton 反应的优化条件如下:初始加入量 Fe2+ 2.0 mM、H2O2 20.0 mM 及 pH 3.0。实验发现在反应初期 PFOA 的脱氟率较快,优化 条件下 2 h 内的脱氟率可达 40%以上。采用离子色谱和液相色谱-质谱联用仪对 降解产物进行了检测,测定结果表明降解产物主要为一些短链的全氟羧酸类物质(C3~C7)以及矿化生成的无机 F-,但未检测出 HCOOH。此外,本文还对 UV-Fenton 体系降解 PFOA 的机理进行了探讨。通过对 H2O2 的作用机理、活性自由基的鉴别以及降解过程中 Fe2+/总铁的摩尔比变化情况的 研究表明,在该体系中,H2O2 存在时主要是活性·OH 加快了 PFOA 的脱羧过程, 而在 H2O2 完全消耗之后,主要是体系中生成的 Fe3+在紫外光照下接受来自 PFOA 的电子导致 PFOA 脱羧及其进一步降解。关键词:UV-Fenton; 全氟辛酸; 降解; 羟自由基AbstractPerfluorinated compounds (PFCs) have many excellent characteristics such as high surface-active effect, high thermal and chemical stability and high light transparency. Thus they have been widely used as surface treatment agents in emulsion, fire retardants, paper coatings and carpet cleaners. These compounds have caused serious health concerns such as potential toxicity on human organs, reproductive and immune systems because of its persistence and bioaccumulation. Perfluorooctane sulfonates (PFOS) and its salts and perfluorooctane sulfonyl chloride are classified as persistent organic pollunants (POPs) on the fourth conference of the Stockholm Convention. Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and PFOS are produced when most of these perfluorinated precursor degradation.Hydroxyl radical (·OH) oxidation as one of the advanced oxidation technologies is commonly used in the treatment of organic pollutants. But many researchers consider that ·OH cannot oxidize PFCs on account of its abstract hydrogen process hindered. So they think that ·OH has no affinity to these compounds. This work aimed at solving this



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