web services服务器系统的设计和关键技术的实现-design of web services server system and implementation of key technologies.docx
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web services服务器系统的设计和关键技术的实现-design of web services server system and implementation of key technologies
Classified Index: TP393.03 U.D.C.: 623.1Dissertation for the Master’s Degree in EngineeringTHE DESIGN AND PARTIAL IMPLEMENTATION OF WEB SERVICES SERVER SYSTEMCandidate: Supervisor:Associate Supervisor:Academic Degree Applied for: Speciality:Affiliation:Date of Defence:Degree-Conferring-Institution:Lv JianFengProf. Ma PeijunSr. Engineer Gao TieJun Master of Engineering Software EngineeringSchool of Software October, 2007Harbin Institute of Technology摘要基于 XML(Extensible Markup Language,扩展标注语言)技术的 Web Services(Web 服务)是一种新兴的计算机软件架构。Web Services 的使用将 改变目前的开发模式和应用部署的费用规模。每个 Web Services 分别实现了 一定的电子商务功能,新的动态 电子商务应用可以通过集成那些 Web Services 而建立起来。Web Services 能够抽象的表达行为、数据以及商务流程, 而无需考虑应用所在的环境是使用何种操作系统、语言和设备。本文中设计了一个 Apusic Web Services 服务器系统,它是建立在现有的 J2EE 服务器基础上的。为了把 Web Services 相关的所有协议与 J2EE 规范能 够有机的结合起来,同时满足 Web Services 和 J2EE 体系的要求,本系统设 计了一个 Stub/Tie(存根/代理)模型以融合各种协议,这个模型也是本系统 的基本架构。在这个架构设计的基础上,设计了几个关键的子系统。首先, 为了最大限度地提高系统的可互操作性,使本系统能够与多种 Web Services 产品可以互相调用,本系统设计了通用的 SOAP 消息格式,并设计实现了 SOAP 消息编码解码器和 Java/XML 类型转换器;其次,为了便于管理 Web Services 服务实例,本系统采用了 Servlet 封装的方法,并设计了一个 Web Services 入口点容器来完成服务实例的生命周期管理。然后,本系统设计了 一套便于用户学习和使用的开发流程以及 API,让 J2EE 使用者可以快速掌握 本系统的开发、部署和运行方法。最后,为了提高系统的性能,系统采用了 缓存技术。本系统也实现了基于用户名/密码模式的安全管理。关键词 Web Services;Stub/Tie 模型;Servlet 封装;入口点容器AbstractThe Web Services technology based on XML is new computer software architecture. The Web Services will change the mode of development and the cost of deploying application. Every Web Services application implements some e-commerce functions, and a new dynamic e-commerce application can be created by integrating some existing Web Services applications. The Web Services can abstract the action, data and e-commerce flow, so you need not consider the operating system, language and device.The apusic Web Services server system is introduced in this paper. To integrate the protocols of Web Services and J2EE specification,a stub/tie modelis designed. The architecture of the system is desiged based on this model. Some sub-
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