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2002 — Breaking News Reporting
Hour of Horror Forever Alters American Lives
Attacks Will Force People To Make Adjustments In Ways Large and Small
June Kronholz in Washington,Christina Binkley in Los Angelesand Clare Ansberry in Pittsburgh
September 12, 2001;
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An hour of terror changed everything. Far from the World Trade Center or the Pentagon, Florida shut down its state universities yesterday. San Francisco closed its schools, as well as the TransAmerica building and pedestrian access to the Golden Gate Bridge. Major league baseball games were canceled.
The popular, needlelike Stratosphere tower on the north end of the Las Vegas strip was closed; so was the Paris casino,s mock Eiffel Tower. University of Virginia psychologist Dewey Cornell canceled his lecture on student threats and violence inside the schools -- so his audience of principals could go back to their schools to deal with the violence outside.
You just thought America was the safest country, said Jesse Strauss, a 13-year-old eighth-grader at Pelham Middle School, a Manhattan suburb. His mother added, Our world as we know it isn,t going to return to normal for a long time.
Yesterday,s terrorism darkened, marked and forever altered the way Americans live their lives.
We are going to have to learn what a lot of other countries have gone through: to manage fear at a cultural and national level, said Charles Figley, a professor of trauma psychology at Florida State University. We,re getting a lesson in the way fear works.
In a country long proud and even boastful of its openness -- a country where an ordinary citizen can stroll through the U.S. Capitol unescorted -- the terrorist attacks are likely to force Americans to watch their steps and look over their shoulders. We already do a lot of that. Metal detectors now mark the front door of many government buildings, and security guards are a fixture in the lobby of most large office buildings.
But tig
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