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信息的英语知识  信息的英语知识   英 [??nf??me??n] 美 [??nf?r?me??n]   information 信息的英语例句   1. the room was quiet; no one volunteered any further information.   房间很安静,无人主动提供更多的信息。   2. as mentioned earlier, the university supplements this information with an interview.   如前所述,大学将通过面试对这一信息进行补充。   3. for more details about these products, send a postcard marked hb/ff.   要了解这些产品的详细信息,请寄来标明hb/ff字样的明信片。   4. if youd like more information, ring the hotline on 414 3929.   如果想了解更多信息,请拨打热线电话4143929。   5. the material consisted only of already published, unclassified information.   这份材料里只有一些已公开的、非保密性质的信息。   6. information is called up at the push of a button.   按一个键信息就会被调出来。   7. cruz had to scavenge information from newspapers and journals.   克鲁兹不得不从报纸和杂志中搜寻信息。   8. zip drives help people to organise their important information.   压缩磁盘驱动器有助于人们管理重要信息。   9. schools were told their exam information had to be spot-on and accurate.   各学校接到通知,要求考试信息必须准确无误。   10. stationery can be imprinted with your message or logo.   可以把你的信息或标志印在信纸上。   11. the investigators complained about the difficulties of squeezing information out of residents.   调查人员抱怨说很难从居民身上获取信息。   12. other recommendations relate to the details of how such data is stored.   其他建议涉及此类信息储存方面的一些细节。   13. the advances in communications altered the nature of information processing.   通讯技术的进步使信息处理发生了质的改变。   14. his message was aimed at the undecided middle ground of israeli politics.   他所传达的信息针对的是以色列政局中尚未表态的中间派。   15. this new information does throw doubt on their choice.   这个新信息确实使人们对他们的选择产生了怀疑。 信息英语作文:互联网信息   people always read messages on newspaper before, but now there is a large number of people search information in the internet. for me, i have good impression for it. internet t information is very convenient and wide. people can search the information on the internet only open their computer. besides, the internet information ranges very widely. it contains all fields’   information. it is almighty. it knows everything. in addition, ne


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