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Various sexual hormones changes in late follicular phase and ovulation Various sexual hormones changes in late luteal phase Mechanism of menstrual cycle induced by the changes in various sexual hormone * Endometrium Pregnancy and parturition 1. Pregnancy Fertilization of the oocyte occurs within 24 hours of ovulation in the distal end of the oviduct. Fertilized egg completes second meiosis and divides repeatedly to form multicelled blastocyst. Blastocyst implants in uterine wall within 5 days of ovulation. After implantation, blastocyst secretes human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG, within 9 days of ovulation), which signals the corpus luteum to continue secreting progesterone and estradiol and is basis of the pregnancy test. Progesterone is produced from cholesterol by the placenta and estriol through the interaction of the placenta and fetal adrenal cortex and liver. Progesterone and estriol support development of the fetus as well as maternal breast development. The mechanism by which parturition is initiated is unclear but involves an interplay between progesterone, prostaglandins, and oxytocin that increase the frequency of uterine contraction. Effect of the theca and granulose cells of the ovary Granulosa Cells Theca Cells Cholesterol Cholesterol Pregnenolone Pregnenolone 17-Hydroxypregnenolone Dehydroepiandrosterone Androstenedione Testosterone Androstenedione Testosterone Estradiol - - - - Androstenedione Testosterone Estradiol The theca and granulose cells of the ovary interact to ensure adequate production of androgens (androstenedione, testosterone) and estradiol. Precondition of pregnancy is ovum must combine with sperm Precondition of pregnancy is ovum must combine with sperm to be zygote The process of zygote Formation 受精卵的形成过程 Ovulation and fecundation 排卵与受精 Growth of fetus (10 weeks) 根据三原色原理叠加后的单色形成了第三种颜色并脱离了原本的单色颜色更加丰富象征着产品在原有空间的组合中产生了突破性的变化 * Chapter 12 Reproductive Physiology Wang Guoqing Department of Physiology, Medical School, Soochow Un


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