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内蒙古科技大学毕业设计说明书(毕业论文)PAGE XXXV内蒙古科技大学本科生毕业设计说明书(毕业论文)题 目:小车自动停车入库系统设计学生姓名:学 号:0967112218专 业:测控技术与仪器班 级:测控2009-2班指导教师:赵建敏 讲师 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT III摘要本设计在信息工程学院智能停车场实验平台上,以飞思卡尔智能车为模型设计并实现了小车自动停车入库系统。该系统将Freescale16位单片机MC9S12XS128作为系统微控制器,设计了单片机最小系统、电源管理模块、电机驱动电路、舵机驱动电路、路径识别电路及对管定位电路,并介绍了电路相关参数的计算方法。在小车自动停车入库系统中,小车通过采集道路信息、交通灯信息以及车库信息,自动从车场入口行驶至指定空车位,并准确停车入库。通过CCD摄像头采集道路信息并对其处理,提取出路中央黑线与小车位置的偏差,从而控制舵机动作来矫正行驶中小车的状态;通过安装在车头的红外线对管来确定空车位及信号灯的位置;同样采用CCD摄像头来提取信号灯的指向,进而指引小车正确驶向车库。 关键词:自动入库;智能车系统;图像采样;Freescale16位单片机AbstractOn the experimental platform of the smart parking garage in School of Information Engineering, the automatic car parking storage system is designed on the basis of the Freescale intelligent car. Including the minimum system circuit, power management part, motor drive circuit, servo drive circuit, path recognition circuit and the geminate transistors circuit, the system takes the MC9S12XS128 SCM as its microcontroller. Besides, relative calculations of parameters are also given.In this automatic car parking garage system, the smart car is designed to drive to the assigned garage automatically from the entrance and to park in the storage accurately, though identifying information of roads, traffic lights and garages. Firstly, the system is used to deal with the information searched by CCD camera, then to find the deviation between the position of the car and the central black line, and correct the car through a steering gear. In addition, the infrared tubes can be installed in front of the car to determine the locations of the empty parking spaces and the signal lights. Similarly, the directions of signal lights can be detected by CCD camera as well to make the car drive in the garage correctly.Key words: Automatic parking garage; Intelligent vehicle system; Image sampling; Freescale16-bit single-chip 目录TOC \o 1-3 \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc1554 摘要 PAGEREF _Toc1554 I HYPERLINK \l _Toc28605 Abstract PAGEREF _Toc28605 II H


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