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毕 业 论 文 题 目: 中国地方政府性债务问题及风险分析 毕业论文中文摘要 中国地方政府性债务问题及风险分析 摘要: 受2008年金融危机影响,中国政府推出了由政府主导的4万亿投资计划,引致的问题是地方政府借债投资规模超标,地方政府性债务巨大的规模引起了国内中国经济学家的高度关注。他们认为地方债的规模与偿债压力已经大大的超过了警戒线,是目前金融系统的重大隐患,并对此非常担忧。本文通过对地方债政府性债务特点及规模进行描述统计,进而对其暴露的问题和风险进行分析,并提出解决问题的措施建议。本文结论是:中国地方政府性债务暴露的问题有其历史客观因素,也与金融改革中不完善的地方融资平台金融体制有关。解决问题和消除风险要从短期地方融资平台着手治标,长期的出路在于建立完善举债偿债体系,完善分税制与转移支付体系,并建立市场化的地方债券市场治本。 关键词: 地方政府性债务 债务问题与风险 防范措施 毕业论文外文摘要 Title Chinas local government debt problems and risk analysis Abstract By the 2008 financial crisis, the Chinese government launched a government-led 4 trillion investment plan, the problem is caused by excessive investment scale of local government debt, local government debt huge scale attracted the attention of the domestic Chinese economists. They believe the size of local government debt and debt service pressure has greatly exceeded the warning level, is a major risk of the financial system, and are very worried. Based on the characteristics of local government debt and debt-scale statistical description, and then analyze their problems and risk exposure, and propose measures to address the problem of suggestion. This paper concludes that: Chinas local government debt problem has exposed its history objective factors, but also with financial reform in local financing platform imperfect financial system related. Solve problems and eliminate the risk from short-term local financing platform symptoms begin, the way out is to establish a sound long-term debt solvency system, improve the tax system and the transfer payment system, and the establishment of market-oriented local bond market cure. Keywords:Local government debt,The debt problem and risk,Measures to prevent 目 录 1 引言 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究内容 1 1.3 文献综述 1 1.4 研究过程和方法 2 2 中国地方政府性债务概述 3 2.1 地方政府性债务的分类 3 2.2 当前地方政府性债务特点 3 3 中国地方政府性债务综合分析 4 3.1 地方政府性债务规模分析 4 3.2 地方政府性债务结构分析 7 3.3 地方政府性债务暴露的问题及风险分析 10 4 中国地方政府性债务问题及风险形成原因分析 13 4.1 地方融资平台的不规范管理 13 4.2 政治激励的影响 13 4.


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