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中国互联网金融与消费者参与的SEM和GSEM实证研究 王浩名王伟 (1.内蒙古财经大学经济学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特,010070 2.中国人民银行抚顺支行,辽宁 抚顺 113000) 内容摘要:本文基于中国互联网金融和消费者参与调查问卷二者。结构和测量潜变量,并和结构方程研究方法,实证分析了二者之间的传导路径和。研究发现感知收益、感知易用、信息搜索、合作行为共创价值的提高及感知风险的降低能够促进中国互联网金融发展。 从分析扩展到分析。研究价值表现为通过对各影响因素和相关潜变量的分析,了促进中国互联网金融发展的途径;消费者也为在制定相关政策时提供了有价值的依据和建议。 ;和分析 An SEM and GSEM Empirical Method of Chinese Internet Finance and Consumer Participation WANG Haoming1,WANG Wei (1. Economic Colleague,Inner Mongolia Finance and Economic University,Hohhot Inner Mongolia 010070,China; 2. Fushun Sub-branch of People s Bank of China,Shenyang Liaoning 113000,China) Abstract:This paper based on the questionnaire of Chinese internet finance and customer participation, analyzing the relation of them. According of the questionnaire, it sets the structural and measurement variables, and the empirical method of both and GSEM, analyzing the transmission path and factors. The study found that the improvement of perceived benefits perceived using convenient, information search, cooperative behavior and the value of creating, and decline of perceived risk can promote the development of Chinese internet finance. The innovation of this paper is as follows: firstly constructing the theoretical analysis of the transmission path between, other is that the empirical method from SEM to GSEM. The value of the research is to analyze the influence factors and related latent variables, exploring the way to promote the development of Chinese Internet finance; and provide an intuitive response to consumers and producers of Internet financial products, but also for Chinas Government when formulate policies, it regularize the Chinese internet finance providing valuable basis and recommendations. Key words:Chinese internet finance; customer participation; the empirical method of SEM and GSEM 一、引言 今年中国互联网金融得到快速发展,在其发展过程中,消费者的参与对于互联网金融发展具有重要作用。互联网金融的产生本身就是由消费者市场参与需求而引发的金融创新,并得益于广泛消费者的参与。分析中国互联网金融发展和消费者参与之间的传导机制,会令我们对中国互联网金融当前发展过程、水平和前景有着清晰的认知,这具有十分重要的理论意义。同时当前消费者在参与互


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