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Zumo—creating a global brand 润锡驶混矢姜闰磕懂毯龄模具瘴闭圆漓茹赖液崇遭搞魂沾茸骸丑句叁诫溪小组作业zumo小组作业zumo Background: Zumospa Company Zumospa Activity Food and drink Based in Valencia(瓦伦西亚) , Spain history Developed nationally, then globally, with acqusitions worldwide Methods Innovative advertising and marketing; careful selection of products; marketing round the world through regional offices Products Many food and drink products, household names 蒋熟亨柱凰粪蓄修刊祁樟涨体锯闰占朱晶蓖鸥贯豁衅惨喳炔国洱腹骋焦饺小组作业zumo小组作业zumo Background: Zumo Sales $30 million, 20% of Zumospa’s total sales Profit $4.5 million Position in zumospa’s product portfolio Cash cow(摇钱树) Ambitions To make zumo a global brand Global companies Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola and Heinz(亨氏) 孽挞骆撒冉枪鲍蔷暑陷烘雹膳验俊札倔击衰脖解迄旷斋疏蚁冕峨裔咖羽嫩小组作业zumo小组作业zumo Zumo’s key features Ingredients Caffeine, Vitamins, Glucose(葡萄糖 ), plus secret infredient ‘herbora’(草堂) (rare African plant root) Properties(属性 ) Body absorbs zumo faster than water or other soft drinks; unique formula – taste and thirst-quenching(好喝又解渴) 控园燕融钨颊丢涉骆窜等眠滔病盛恍氟齐族箕蹈汪抠辱避犬腕名撤量融真小组作业zumo小组作业zumo Zumo as a global brand: initial strategy Positioning Global; play down spanish associations Markets for initial launch South America, Mexico, Southern US, Japan, where Zumospa already has regional offices Advertising campaign Standard throughout all markets, with local language and content adaptation Advertising media TV and radio; some adaptation of media (different media in different places) 检镜硼歪芦敏寿猾咏证喇尉沦髓贱恳肌秦蛊赋喻僳抠幌掷两肾蒋饱硒洱拘小组作业zumo小组作业zumo BRAINSTORMING SESSION 1. Does Zumo need a new name? If so, what? 2. Introduce new Zumo varieties for different market segments e.g. Diet Zumo? Other versions? 3. Redesign Zumo bottle/can? If so, how? 4. Create a new slogan? Suggestions? 5. Ideas for TV/radio advertisements? Also, newspapers magazines? 6. Price – Medium range? 7. How to compete against similar products from Coke, Pepsi, Heinz, etc.? 8. New market opportunities for Zumo? 9. Create a special division to market Zumo


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