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PAGE \* MERGEFORMATIV摘 要在学校的一项重要的学习任务就是小学期实践教学,对于小学期的实践教学是我们在学校提升自己的一个必须经历的过程,也是归纳检查所学理论常识的一个不可缺少的环节。该系统从学生的在线选择论文题目、小学期实践教学管理题目的上传、学生上传小学期实践教学管理的论文、教师查阅学生选择题目的情况、教师对上传的小学期实践教学论文的评分、系统管理用户等来完成的。小学期实践教学管理系统,我采用的是浏览器/服务器结构设计的,也就是常说的B/S结构(B:Browser ,S:Server),我所使用的工具是Myeclipse2014、使用Java语言来完成程序编译、后台数据库的操作使用了MySql,小学期实践教学管理系统主要的功能模块有学生自主选择题目和教师查阅学生的选题情况,并增加文件上传与下载等,能够保证小学期实践教学任务完成期间学生、管理员、教师之间信息保持及时的沟通,直到完成小学期实践教学论文,在这过程有着非常重要的意义。小学期实践教学管理系统的目的就是对于学生论文的自动化管理,是介入小学期的学生、导师借助于互联网按时有效地到疏通的的一个紧要环节,很大程度的提升我们学校的教学管理质量和水平。关键词: 小学期;实践教学;Java;MySQL ABSTRACTOne of the most important learning task in the school is the primary school period of practice teaching, practice teaching for primary school period is a study we must go through the process of strengthening and promotion in the school, but also summed up an indispensable examination theory knowledge links. The selection of topic, primary school teaching practice management topics, students upload upload primary school practice teaching management, the students from the online reference of teachers to choose items, to upload the primary school practice teaching the score, to complete the user management system.During the practice of teaching management system in primary school, I used the browser / server structure design, it is often said that the structure of B/S (B:Browser S:Server), I use the tool is Myeclipse2014, using Java language to compile programs, database operation using the MySql function module, period of practice teaching management system mainly in the primary school there are topics for students to choose topics and teachers access to students, and increase the file upload and download, can guarantee the primary school period practice teaching mission to maintain timely communication of information between students, teachers and administrators during the period, has a very important meaning to the whole process of teaching the practice of primary school guarantee period.During the practice of teaching manage


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