bank management试题库及答案 试卷库之八.docVIP

bank management试题库及答案 试卷库之八.doc

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bank management试题库及答案 试卷库之八

PAGE 对外经济贸易大学教务处 2005 期末考试试卷格式 第 PAGE 0 页 共 NUMPAGES 9 页对外经济贸易大学《银行管理学》试卷库之八一、选择题:(每题1分,共40分)以下选择题中有且仅有一个正确答案,请将正确答案标在本试卷第1页的答案表格中。 得分_______Why have banks historically been among the safest businesses?Banks invest heavily in risk management technologies.Banking is one of the most regulated businesses.The government has never allowed a bank to fail.The products of a bank, loans and deposits, are always in strong demand.Banking has traditionally employed conservative riskaverse managers.Which of the following is not a cause of financial innovation?Banks may want to increase their capital base.Advancement in technology.A decrease in competition.Entering new geographic markets.New regulations.Common size financial statements convert figures to a common size by:dividing balance sheet items by total assets and income statement items by net income.dividing balance sheet items by sales and income statement items by net income.dividing balance sheet items by total assets and income statement items by sales.dividing balance sheet items by sales and income statement items by total assets.dividing balance sheet items by total equity and income statement items by sales.Regulatory dialectic can be described as:the consolidation of the banking industry.the process by which banks respond to regulations and the imposition of new regulations.the investment banking process.the securitization of bank assets.the facilitating of corporate mergers.Banks generate their largest portion of income from:loans.short-term investment.demand deposits.long-term investments.certificates of deposit.A bank’s core deposits are:vault cash.stable deposits that are not typically withdrawn over short periods of time.the bank’s deposits at the Federal Reserve.the most interest rate sensitive liabilities of a bank.deposits held in foreign offices.Which of the following adjustments are made to gross loans and leases t


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