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本科毕业设计题目:移钢车移动机构设计学 院:机械自动化学院专 业:机械工程及自动化专业学 号:学生姓名:指导教师:日 期:2011年5月武汉科技大学本科毕业设计 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I摘 要 本次毕业设计课题为移钢车移动机构的设计。 我的设计内容主要是移钢车移动机构的传动方案的选择,相关零部件的选择和校核,非标准件的机构设计以及移钢车上零件的布置。移钢车是棒材车间里的一台重要辅助设备,其作用是将方钢从运送辊道移至炉前辊道,在连铸生产和轧钢生产中起着非常重要的作用。 此移钢车根据现有移钢车图纸进行分析和设计,并在此基础上研究国内外新型移钢车的结构特点,设计并绘制出自己的移钢车的装配图以及相应的零件图。图纸基本采用Autocad2007和Caxa二维软件进行绘图。 本文主要运用材料力学,机械制图,机械设计,机械原理等内容来设计校核相关的零部件,完成了移钢车移动机构设计中的车轮、减速器、联轴器、电机、制动器的选择,确定了端梁、车轮轴、车轮套结构形状尺寸。 本次设计的目的是根据其要完成的功能来设计移钢车移动机构的结构,以使移钢车满足相应的生产要求。通过理论计算,设计出了噪音小、运行平稳、工作安全可靠的移钢车。关键词: 移钢车;机构设计;制动器全套图纸加153893706AbstractThe topic of this graduation project is shifting mechanism design for the steel shift cart. The main content of my design is to choose the shifting mechanism transmission,choose and check related parts,design the non-standard fasteners and arrange the parts of the steel shift cart.The steel shift cart is a important supporting facility in material workshop, its function is to move steel from transport roller table to stokehole table .The steel shift car plays a very important role in continous casting production and steel-rolling production.The steel shift cart`s design and analysis is based on the drawings of the steel shift cart which we have, meanwhile, we also study other type of steel carts which are used worldwidely ,an finally get my only design.I use two-dimensional software Autocad2007 and Caxa to draw diagrams.Materials mechanics, the machine design, and so on are mainly used to carry on the computation, which introduced the way to choose the wheel ,reduction gear, shaft coupling, electrical machinery, brake, end girder, axle tree, the vehicle wheel cover, and the size determination of the structure and shape.The design`s goal is to define shifting mechanism structure of the steel shift cart according to the function it is been required and meet the corresponding production requirements. Through the theoretical calculation, I have designed the noise slightly, the movement steady, the job saf
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