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毕业论文最终定稿--现代安全生产管理研究 本科毕业论文现代安全生产管理研究摘 要 管理是企业的主题,管理的好坏将直接决定企业效益的高低。在生产经营中,如果没有安全做保障,效益也就无从谈起,所以,安全生产要注重抓管理。特别是作为生产一线班组的安全生产管理人员,是整个安全管理系统的末端和实施者,安全管理有效与否,取决于末端控制是否细致到位,因此更要常抓不懈。 ?目前随着企业的发展,安全愈来愈被受到重视。随之而来的安全管理也渐渐被人们所关注,安全是一个企业发展最基本而又最核心的因素,安全是为了更好的发展,发展离不开安全,安全发展,预防为主这是我们艰苦创业,加快发展一直要走的路! “安全第一,预防为主”是安全管理的方向和指针。所谓“安全第一”是要求生产过程参与者能够充分认识安全与生产之间的辩证统一关系,当安全与生产发生矛盾时,必须坚持安全第一的原则;而“预防为主”则要求安全工作事前做好防范,要依靠安全科学技术手段,加强安全科学管理,做好事故的科学预测与分析,从生产系统的本质安全入手,强化预防措施,保证企业安全稳定。 安全管理工作十分重要,如果这项工作做不好,势必会给企业和职工造成巨大的损失,因而,各个企业都应重视安全管理工作,成立安全组织,对生产工作进行严格监督,及时发现问题和解决问题,才能防患于未然。目前,我们的 社会各项事业都有了较大发展和进步,传统的安全管理方式已不能适应现代社会发展要求,在这种情况下,我们需要认真研究、应用科学的管理方式方法,以提高安全管理水平,促进企业更好的发展。关键词: 安全;生产; 管理ABSTRACT Management is the theme of the enterprise, the stand or fall of management will directly decided to enterprise benefit of high and low. In the production and management, if there is no security do guarantee, the benefit is mentioned, so, should notice to catch the management of production safety. Especially as a production line of the team personnel for the administration of production safety, is the whole security management system and the end of the actor, safety management is effective or not, depending on whether the meticulous in place at the end of a control, and therefore more to pay special attention to be solved. At present along with enterprises development, security becomes more and more attention to. Subsequent safety management also gradually by people attention, security is a enterprise development the most fundamental and most the core factors, security is to better development, development is inseparable from safety, safety, prevention this is our power department hard starts an undertaking, speeds up the development has been the way to go! Safety first, focus on prevention is the direction of the safety management and pointer. The so-called safety first is to require the production process participants can fully aware of the safety and production of the


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