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创设高中 HYPERLINK "/thread-541866-1-1.html" 英语情境教学的新思考广西南宁市南宁外国语学校 林万春英语情境教学是以情境教学基本理论为基础,在教学过程中为了达到既定的教学目的,从教学需要出发,创设与教学内容相适应的具体场景或氛围,引起学生的情感体验,帮助学生迅速而正确地理解教学内容,促进他们的心理机能全面和谐地发展,从而提高教学效率。情境教学遵循反映论原理,创设以形象为主体、富有感情色彩的具体场景或氛围,以激发学生的学习动机、学习情趣和潜在智能,促进其综合语言运用能力的提高,使他们各方面素质都得到提高。??一、创设互动情景,诱导积极参与课堂活动英语是一门实践性很强的学科,语言的交际性注定了英语教学必然是参与型的教学。学生只有在参与的过程中才有机会运用语言知识,才能形成交际能力和发展其他相关素质。在参与型的课堂教学中,学生具有很强的学习动机,他们会主动进行交流并积极进行自我评价。只有组织学生参与课堂教学的全过程,学生才能成为真正意义上的课堂的主体,才能在参与过程中发展英语语言素质。参与的过程也是学生发展个性、展示个人综合素质的过程。没有强烈的动机、良好的心态和创新意识,学生就不会主动参与英语课堂活动。在学习高中英语必修 = 1 \* GB3 ① Unit One Friendship(Period Two) Reading时,教师是这样创设情境,诱导学生自主参与表达观点的。In Pre-reading step, I get the students to discuss the questions on Page 2 with their partners. Then ask the students to report their work. Encourage the students to express their different opinions. Make it clear that not only can we make friends with human beings, but also with animals and even things that have no life.T: Now please look at the slide show. And discuss these questions with your partners. Then I’ll ask some students to report your work. Are you clear?Ss: Yes, sir/madam.[Show the following questions on the screen.]1. Why do you need friends? Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you.2. What do you think a good friend should be like? List what a good friend should do and share the list with your partners.3. Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be your friend?4. Do you think a diary can become your friend? Why or why not?[After the Ss’ discussion, teacher says the following.]T: Now who’d like to answer the first question? Volunteer!S1: Let me try. I think friends are important to all of us.Because we need to help with each other.S2: We also need someone to care and understand, to share sorrows and happiness.S3: Everyone needs a friend to be true to us whether near or far apart. T: Quite right. Next question?S4: I think my good friend should have a lot in common and our tho


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