江苏省连云港市东海晶都双语学校八年级英语上册 unit 5 wild animals reading 2课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

江苏省连云港市东海晶都双语学校八年级英语上册 unit 5 wild animals reading 2课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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江苏省连云港市东海晶都双语学校八年级英语上册 unit 5 wild animals reading 2课件 (新版)牛津版

Unit 5 Wild animals * Teaching aims: .To master some useful knowledge points. * Guide One 1.Read the report and try to translate it, dont forget to line out the difficult points for you.(5) 2.Learn from each other in groups.(5) * Guide Two 1. Correct the following sentences.(5) (1). Xi Wang weighed only 100 grams when she came into the world as a baby. ( ) (2).When she was four months old, she weighed about eight kilograms.( ) (3).After eight months, she was not a small baby any more and weighed about 35 kilograms.( ) (4).Having babies is very difficult for pandas.( ) (5).We should take action to protect giant pandas at once.( ) (6).If we do nothing, soon there may be no one left!( ) T T F T T just was born At four months old Eight months later F ≠none It is very difficult for pandas to have babies. right away over * 2.Write the same meaning as the following sentences. Finish the exercise(三) on Page11(大课堂)(3) Keys: (1). at two years (2).an hour later (3).none of (4).Its for to * 3.Use the correct forms of the words in the blanks.(5) (1).I first _____(meet) her when she was a ten-year-old girl. (2).We read a story_____(call) Xi Wang. (3).The baby panda______(be) born on a snowy afternoon. (4).Do you know how much Xi Wang_____(weigh) when she was four months old. (5).At five years old, my brother learnt______(look) after ______(he). (6)._____these new_____(face) makes the girls afraid. (7).It is becoming_____ and_____(cold). You had better put on warmer clothes for winter. (8).He is very angry because he cant find a quiet place_______(read). met called was weighed to look himself Facing faces colder colder to read * 4.Translate the following phrases.(5) (1). 看起来像只小白鼠 (2).在四个月大时 (3).第一次出去 (4).不再... (5).面临严重的问题 (6).生孩子 (7).以一种特殊的竹子为生 (8).结果 (9).有一个地方居住 (10)处境危险 (11)变得越来越来少 (12)采取行动去保护熊猫 (13).出生 *


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