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How to upgrade your composition? 高分作文的特征 提示的内容无遗漏 结构合理(三段) 篇幅长短合理,语言不罗嗦 句式和用词优美、讲究、适度高级 语言不犯错或错误极少 书写规范、工整、美观,不涂抹 美化提升实战 原则: 高年级时学的单词比低年级学的词汇要高级; 表达同一个意思,能用短语表达就少用单词表达; 组合度高的句子比组合度低的句子显得更高级、更有水平(但要自然、适度,不可为高级而高级)。 书信中可能用到的高级词汇/句型(替换普通词/句型) 给出(一个解决办法) give (a solution) put forward 2. 对某人来说是很重要的…it is important for sb. to do sth. it is of great significance to sb. 3. 想要做…… want (to do…) intend 4. 在我看来 in my opinion from my perspective / in the sight of me 5. 我只好向…抱怨 can only (complain to …) can but 6. 我的不满有如下几点 I have the following discontents. My discontents lie upon several aspects as follows. 7. 因此 so / therefore accordingly 8. 解决这个问题 settle this problem have this problem addressed / tackled / resolved 9. 没能 / 没法… can’t fail to 10. 应该 should be supposed to 11. 一收到 (…东西) As soon as receiving… On receiving… 12. 很 / 十分… very / quite more than / excessively/ exceedingly 13. 前几天 a few days ago the other day 14. 第二天 the next day the following day 15. 在…的时候 when doing… in the course of doing… 16. 购买 buy purchase 17. 改进 / 提高 improve promote 18. 引发 (…的不满) cause (one’s dissatisfaction) trigger 19. 停止… stop put an end to / bring… to an end 20. 引起你的重视 draw your attention capture your attention 21. 考虑…… consider take into account of 22. 然而 However / But Nevertheless 23. 很多 many many a 24. 其实 in fact as a matter of fact / in reality 25. 尽力 work hard do one’s utmost / endeavor 假如你是Tom,是某中学的在校学生,你给市长写封信,反映学校周围的环境问题。 1. 学校周围存在一个市场,噪音、空气污染严重; 2. 小商贩 (peddler) 经常出入学校,影响学生上课; 3. 受市场影响,部分学生弃学从商; 4. 要求搬迁市场。 要求:1. 词数: 100 左右; 2. 论点明确,论证合乎逻辑。 Dear Mr. Mayor, My name is Tom, I’m a student in No.1 High School in our city. Now I am writing to complain about a big market near our school. It makes us not able to concentrate on study. We wish that


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