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BEIFAThe inspiration for creating the symbol of Beifa comes from Taichi philosophyand traditional Taoism. The chosen colors are red, white and blue Rooted in Taichi the symbol underlines Beifa’s position, and intent to continue to play a leading role in the market. The round shape signifies and projects Beifa as an international company.It also projects the transformation and development of Beifa. It emphasizes an unlimited and continues spirit. The colors red and blue are positioned top and bottom, express Beifa’s attitude of cooperation, reciprocity and benefit.The white space between red and blue represents the connection and link. Beifa leads the supply chain integration and is a world-wide supplier.World connections and interrelationships are thus brought together. Red, white and blue also represents the harmony of Beifa, and the platform of culture interconnection and extension. The eclectic choice of colors and components emphasize the harmonious corporate culture, and how the company cares about humanity and society.企业图形标识由中国道家的太极标志中得到灵感,演化而来。太极所阐述的是宇宙从无极到太极,以致万物化生的过程。贝发的企业标识由红、白、蓝三部分组成,彼此相辅相成,互不可分源自太极,代表贝发立足中国,代表中国的坚定决心; 圆型的结构代表贝发的国际化与全球化,同时也代表贝发的传承与发展,一种无极限和永续的精神;红蓝两色首尾相接,代表贝发平等合作,携手共赢的态度;红蓝两色之间镂空的白色代表一种联系和链接, 贝发是供应链整合的代表,是全球服务商世间万物一生二,二生三,三生万物,红、白、蓝三色代表贝发的融合与发展,是东西方理念与文化的贯通与拓展;兼容并蓄的颜色和各组成部分也代表贝发和谐的企业文化与追求,对人文和社会的关爱.Signifies energy and innovation, from small to big, from internal to external. Moving forward is the core and culture of our industry. The white space strengthens the feeling from within.Signifies modesty and professionalism. The concern of Beifa and its leadership and status in the industry. The white space signifies motivation from top to bottom.We chose the red color for the Beifa Logotype to signify its prosperous stationery business. It is the extension of our company culture and the business responsibility of Beifa.The font selection is an elaboration of a well known typeface. It projects steadiness and solidity. It underlines Beifa’s pos


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