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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Three sets of experiments Seed germination to test dormancy Seed burial experiment to test survive through winter Seed germination under different temperature to test germination-temperature responses 复旦大学 卢宝荣 1. Seed germination experiment 35 WR populations were collected worldwide 5 from tropical rice region 30 from temperate rice region All seeds were harvested from a common garden experiment 复旦大学 卢宝荣 Seed germination experiment 90 seeds from each population were divided into 3 replicates Seed germination on moist filter paper 6 day after harvest A growth chamber at constant 28°C A light/dark cycle of 16/8 h 复旦大学 卢宝荣 Germination of WR populations from temperate tropical regions Tropical 复旦大学 卢宝荣 Conclusion WR from temperate region do not have seed dormancy Seed dormancy in WR from tropical region is variable Suggest: WR of temperate region likely evolved from the non-dormant crop progenitors (CV rice) 复旦大学 卢宝荣 2. Seed survive experiment Seeds from 4 populations were subjected to seed burial experiment between Nov–March (next y) 8 bags (replicates) containing 50-80 seeds were buried ca. 2 cm deep Seeds were germinated after burial for 20, 40, 80 100 days 复旦大学 卢宝荣 Seed survival of the 4 populations after burial in soil Population Seed germination ratio (%) 20 days 40 days 80 days 100 days P1 97.5 (96.9~98.1) 83.08 (80.9~85.1) 88.2 (83.3~93.1) 83.7 (80.0~89.4) P10 58.9 (53.4~64.4) 45.0 (44.3~45.7) 31.3 (30.4~32.5) -** P11 64.0 (46.9~81.1) 37.2 (31.0~43.4) 38.1 (32.0~44.2) 29.8 (12.0~47.6) P20 66.6 (64.0~69.2) 56.1 (55.6~56.5) 55.7 (53.7~57.7) 32.0 (29.4~34.5) 复旦大学 卢宝荣 Conclusion Seeds from temperate WR populations can survive through Shanghai’s winter conditions Ratios of germinated seeds are high enough to sustain their populations Suggest: There should be a new mechanism involved to regulate seed germination 复旦大学 卢宝荣 3. Seed germination under different temperature 18 WR populations from 6 regions with a range of l


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