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Put the food in the correct basket. 1. milk 2. tomato 3. teaspoon 4. popcorn 5. yogurt 6. salt 7. apple 8. onion 9. dumpling 10. shake 11. juice 12. meat 13. cup 14. porridge 15. watermelon 16. mutton 头脑风暴: 2. tomatoes 3. teaspoons 7. apples 8. onions 9. dumplings 10. shakes 13. cups 15. watermelons 1. milk 4. popcorn 5. yogurt 6. salt 11. juice 12. meat 14. porridge 16.mutton How do you make a banana milk shake? Peel the bananas. Cut up the bananas. Put the bananas and ice-cream in the blender. Pour the milk into the blender. Turn on the blender. Finally, drink the milk shake. Then, pour the popcorn into a bowl. First, put half a cup of corn into the popcorn machine. Next, turn on the machine. Finally, put some salt. You can eat it. How do you make popcorn? It’s a sandwich. Do you know what is this? [?s?nw?t?] 三明治,和三文治都是通过英文单词sandwich音译的。Sandwich是一种典型的西方食品,以两片面包夹几片肉和奶酪、各种调料制作而成,吃法简便,广泛流行于西方各国。 sandwich. 各国品种 如今的sandwich已不再像当初那样品种单一,它已经发展了许多新品种。例如,有夹鸡或火鸡肉片、咸肉、莴苣、番茄的“夜总会sandwich”,有夹咸牛肉、瑞士奶酪、泡菜并用俄式浇头盖在黑面包片上的“劳本sandwich”,有夹鱼酱、黄瓜、水芹菜、西红柿的“饮茶专用sandwich”等等。在法国,制作sandwich时往往已不用面包片,而是改用面包卷或面卷。以法国长棍制成的Sandwich还被称为“潜艇包”! 出现在西方所有食谱中,任何一种面包或面卷,任何一种便于食用的食品,都可制成三明治。在美国,小面包夹牛肉的“热三明治” 是最常见的营养快餐;夹花生酱和果冻的三明治,是小学生的主要食品;夹鸡或火鸡肉片、咸肉、莴苣、番茄的“夜总会三明治”,夹腌牛肉、瑞士奶 酪、泡菜,并用俄式浇头盖在黑面包上烤热食用的“劳本三明治”,价格较贵,主要在高档饭店和舞厅出售。在英国,用鱼酱、黄瓜、水芹菜、西红柿夹在薄面片中的三明治,是饮茶专用的。 lettuce 生菜 butter [t?i?z] [let?s] [b?t?r] What can we put in a sandwich? [t??rki] turkey [??nj?n onion ] cheese [bred] bread turkey onion lettuce butter tomato cheese Make a list of things you like in a sandwich. 1a In my sandwich I like ________________________________________________________________________ bread, butter, tomato, lettuce, turkey and onion A: Do you like lettuce in a sandwich? B: Yes, I do. A: Do you like tomatoes? B: No, I don’t. 1b Ask and answer questions with a partner. Find out what he / she likes in a sandwich. Listen and circle the words you hea



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