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Global warming, greenhouse gas and agriculture– a case report of Canada Greenhouse gas mitigation in agriculture Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (2008) 363, 789–813. Drivers of change in global agriculture Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (2008) 363, 495–515 2. Agriculture and Climate Change in Canada http://www.agr.gc.ca/policy/environment/publications_e.phtml Canadian greenhouse gas mitigation options in agriculture. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 60: 317–326, 2001 4. 加拿大農業溫室氣體減量政策. 張靜文(編譯) 5. 國外溫室氣體排放交易活動與國內規劃現況. 石信智???? Agenda Introduction of trends in crop science research Current situation of global weather change (global warming) Greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation GHG in Taiwan and carbon market or tax Canadian greenhouse gas mitigation options in agriculture (real case study) “Crop Science” is caught up in the “tension of scale” Global National Region Catchments Farm Rotation Field/Crop Plant Organ Cell Gene Drivers of change in global agriculture 全球氣候變異與永續發展目前地球面臨的挑戰 挑戰之一:永續能源(Sustainable Energy)挑戰之二:糧食安全(Food Security)挑戰之三:永續林業(Sustainable Forestry)挑戰之四:用水安全(Water Security)挑戰之五:永續漁業(Sustainable Fisheries)挑戰之六:永續利用與保育生物多樣性(Sustainable use conservation of biodiversity) 全球暖化加劇了原有之挑戰 1.未來30年糧食必須倍增以因應可能增加之30億的人口,全球暖化可能會造成糧食的歉收 . 2.全世界1/3的人口,仍然使用木材燃料.Wood demand will double in next 50 years 3.全球1/3的人口面臨缺水問題.Population facing water scarcity will more than double over the next 30 years 4.計未來30年,會有10-15%的物種滅亡. Climate change will affect the ability of ecological systems to provide a range of essential ecological goods and services Examples of Global weather chang impacts on : Agricultural practices are affecting the environment and environmental degradation threatens food availability 全球共同面臨的環境問題 全球溫室效應─氣候變化綱要公約(FCCC)與京都議定書臭氧層的破壞─蒙特婁議定書有害廢棄物的擴散─巴塞爾公約野生動植物瀕臨絕種─華盛頓公約、生物多樣化公約酸雨問題─防止污染物長距離擴散條約土壤沙漠化─抗沙漠化公約溼地使用及其資源的保護─拉薩姆公約環境荷爾蒙(及POPs) ─斯德哥爾摩公約基因改良的農作物及農業資源─生物安全公約海洋的污染─國際海洋公約(包含禁止海拋及油污污染) 河川湖泊污染及水資源的枯竭─世界水委員會(WWC) 京都議定書規範之溫室氣體 The major so