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Welcome to this Workshop on “Coaching For High Performance” in the New Millennium What do you know about “Coaching”? Me, the Manager What kind of manager am I? Coaching - What does it mean? Core Caching Skill - Asking Questions GROW - The Tool of Coaching G - Goal Setting R - Reality Check O - Options W - What, When, Who and Will Role Play - You are the Coach Please write down what you know about “Coaching” The Manager as Coach What kind of Manager am I? does as much as possible himself focuses on tasks rather than people delegates work focuses on people rather than tasks Reasons for being Doer (1) Traditional Manager Concept The traditional concept of management: managing = Giving Orders managing = controlling managing = solving problems yourself Reasons for being Doer (2) Internal / Personal reasons Trust Risk Control Satisfaction Time Skills Is being / becoming a developer worth the effort? Individual performances? The team’s performance? Your performance as manager? The performance of the organisation? Your career within the organisation? Do they live up to their potential? What Coaching can do? to help you to get a (better) developer. to narrow the gap between performance and potential of your staff. Definition Of Coaching Coaching is helping people to develop and perform to their highest potential . Why Coach? What does it mean to ? To help someone to change their behavior in a way that they will be able to sustain, because it enables them to build on what they already know and do A response to to be leaner, flatter, faster, better etc As standards keep rising , managing to improve performance is the key to profitability and to achieving your business goals in an increasingly competitive world Questions? Please write down, when and why you use questions. Why Ask Questions? NOT TO GET INFORMATION FOR THE QUESTIONER BUT TO DEVELOP THE LEARNER`S AWARENESS TO SHARPEN THE LEARNER`S FOCUS TO S


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