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山情即我情——我的山水画创作谈-mountain feeling is my feeling - on my landscape painting creation
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摘 要
山水画的创作讲究意境。所谓意境,就是绘画创作中呈现情景交融、 虚实相生、有情有景的意象空间。中国画的造型,无论是人物、花鸟还 是山水,无一不是主张“以意立象”。如若只是对自然景象的照搬照抄, 就失去了山水画创作的意义。而画面意境的营造过程就是将自然“形” 改造成主观“象”的过程,旨在发画者之幽思。画者在创作中投入丰富 情感,自然给观赏者营造了形尽而意无穷的画面。
That is, I love my mountain conditions
-- on the creation of landscape painting
The creation of landscape painting exquisite mood. The so-called conception, is a painting in the creation of a real scene, and, love there is a downturn in the image space. In the shape of the Chinese painting, regardless of the characters, flowers and birds or landscapes, and there is no proposition that the object of meaning . If just for natural scene copy, lost the meaning of landscape painting. Create a process of artistic conception is the natural form into subjective processes like, book is aimed at those who plan. The painter in the creation of a wealth of emotion, naturally to the viewer to create a sense of the shape of the infinite conscious picture
Keywords: landscape painting ,creation, freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting
目 录
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark0 前 言 1
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark1 一、山水画创作之我见 2
HYPERLINK \l _bookmark2 二、前期临摹到后期创作的情感变化 3
HYPERLINK \l _bookm
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