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1.4 条件虚拟语气 从总体上说,条件虚拟语气基本上可理解为是在直陈语气的基础上将时间点朝过去的方向推移了一步。 条件虚拟语气中与各时间情况相反的虚拟动词形式如下表: 1.If I were you, I would go there by bus. 2.If it rains tomorrow, we will have PE indoor. =If it should\be to (were to) rain tomorrow, we would have PE indoors. (slightest possibility) Please take an umbrella with in case\for fear that\lest it rain. (slightest possibility) 3.If I had been more careful( I was not more careful) ,I could \should\would\might worked out the maths problem in the exam.(I didn’t work it out) If you had stayed up, you should have finished your homework last night.(You didn’t finish your homework) 虚拟时间基准 条件从句 结果主句 与过去事实相反 had+过去分词 Would+完成体 于现在事实相反 过去时(be动词用were) Would+原形动词 与将来事实相反 Should+原形动词 Should(第一人称) Would(二三人称)+原形动词 1. 4.1与各时间基准相反条件虚拟语气例示 注意虚拟句中隐含的真实情况和作者、说话人的情感、意愿意义,如: If he knew you are here, he would certainly come to see you . 如果他知道你在这里,他肯定会来看你。 If she dyed her hair a little darker, she would look much younger. 如果她把头发染一点,她看起来会显得年轻很多。 If the sun should rise in the west, I would not change my mind. 就是太阳从西边出来,我也不会改变主意。 1. 4.2省略if的条件虚拟语气 条件虚拟语气的条件从句中如有助动词、动词be或动词have时,可以将if省略,将以上这些词与主语位置倒置,这些用法往往见于比较正式的语体中,如: Were it not for the heavy fog, the plane would have taken off on schedule. 要不是因为浓雾弥漫,飞机就会按预定时间起飞。 要不是你帮了我,我考试可能就挂了。 If you didn’t help me, I would have failed in the exam. But for you had helped me, I would have failed in the exam. Hadn’t you helped me, I would have failed in the exam. Had you not helped me, I would have failed in the exam. 1. 4.3 错综条件虚拟语气 有时条件从句对应的时间基准与结果主句对应的时间基准可能会出现错位,如从句表示与过去事实相反的意义,主句表示与现在情况相反等,这时应该针对情况对动词形式予以调整,如: had it not been for the prolonged drought in May ,we should reap a bumper harvest this year. 要不是五月那场持续的干旱,我们今年可能夺得大丰收。(条件从句与过去事实相反,主句与将来可能情况相反) I wish he had been there yesterday. Had he not turned a deaf ear to my warning, he would not be in such a difficult situation. 倘若他对我的告诫不置若罔闻的话,他就不会陷入目前的困境了。(条件从句与过去事实相反,主句与现在情况相反) Had you worked a bit harder, you would not have to be so extremely w


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