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全人發展取向之輔導與諮商專業人力培育之模式探討 分項計畫三:生涯觀架構在生涯輔導與教學上的運用 (五)整體計畫中文摘要 為了整合生涯觀之研究、教學、進修、服務等功能,本分項計劃含括兩門生涯課程、兩個子研究、一個諮詢中心與一個生涯網站。第一年旨在編製生涯資訊並初步架設網站;第二三年將繼續充實生涯資料庫,並進行課程測試、完成網站架設;第四年則進行輔導諮商工作人員的進修訓練與諮詢服務。 「學系」研究以「大學學系探索量表」所發展的18個學群作為分類架構,分三年依次針對各學群中較具普遍性或代表性的學類,蒐集既有書面資料與訪談資料,彙整成故事敘說形式的生涯資訊。第一年已完成20個學類。第二年除了增改修補原學類之外,另外新增了20個學類。 在「網站」部分,結合生涯與網際網路兩方面專家共同規劃、測試與修正生涯網站「生涯觀觀測站與交流站」。第一年已完成預定的網站功能,並進行初步「網站評鑑」,使用者意見顯示該網站內容豐富但操作不便,第二年進行網站中使用者移動路徑後,使用者反應良好。 在「課程」部分,第一二年已完成課程設計與施行,也進行初步「課程評鑑」。學生對「生涯輔導」和「生涯發展」兩門課的自陳滿意度均不錯,但研究者認為尚有改進空間,將於第三年將尋求突破。 諮詢中心之「進修訓練」與「諮詢服務」,則將依原計劃於第四年進行。 (六)整體計畫英文摘要 To integrate the functions of research, teaching, training, and service based on career-view, this project includes two career classes, two substudies, one consulting center, and one website. It will take four years. The first year focuses on: (1) developing narrative career information, and (2) establishing a website system. In the second and the third years, the focuses will be: (1) to enrich the career information system, and (3) to evaluate users’ reactions to the website and students’ reactions to the classes. The forth year will be designed to provide training and consulting services to career counselors. As to the “major” study, those typical major categories in the 18 major clusters will be examined during the first three years. Both written and interview data will be used to form a narrative description. As a result of the first year, 20 major categories have been done ; more have been added in the second year. The website, career-view, has be established by experts in both career and internet. The evaluation study reveals rich content and easy operation. The courses have been designed, executed, and evaluated. The “career service” and the “career planning” has been rated positive by students but not so positive by researchers. More efforts will be needed to improved both courses. As planned, the training and consulting service of the consulting center will not take place until the for


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