Halo Core Mass and Formation of Stars UCOLick Observatory暗晕的质量核心和恒星形成ucolick天文台ppt课件.ppt

Halo Core Mass and Formation of Stars UCOLick Observatory暗晕的质量核心和恒星形成ucolick天文台ppt课件.ppt

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Halo Core Mass and Formation of Stars UCOLick Observatory暗晕的质量核心和恒星形成ucolick天文台ppt课件

Detection and Characterization of Jovian Planets;Mass-period distribution;Dependence on the stellar [Fe/H];Dependence on M*;Multiple systems;Planetary interior: diverse structure Fe/H;Avenues of planet formation;Disk evolution;Hillenbrand Meyer 2000;Potential observational signatures;Condensation sequence;Signs of Crystalline grains;13/48;Chondritic meteorites;From dust to planetesimals;Feeding zones: D ~ 10 rHill Isolation mass: Misolation ~ S1.5 a3 ;Growth during gas depletion;type-II migration;Competition: M growth a decay ;Embryos’ type I migration (10 Mearth);(Mass) growth vs (orbital) decay;Preferred cradles of gas giants: snow line;Accretion onto cores;Giant impacts;Flow into the Roche lobe;Effect of type I migration;The period distribution: Type II migration;short-period cutoff;Stellar metallicity, mass loss, circularization of hot Jupiters;Transits: atmosphere structure;period cutoffs;The mass distribution;Metallicity dependence;Stellar mass-metallicity;Multiple planets;Migration-free sweeping secular resonances;Dynamical shake up (Nagasawa, Thommes);Migration, Collisions, damping;Giant impact lunar formation;Sweeping clear of planetesimals;Last melting events of chondrules;Sweeping secular resonance in ESP’s;Formation of warm Neptunes ;Post Depletion Dynamical Stability ;Mean motion resonance capture;A 2 Mearth “hot rock” planet in a 7-d orbit observed for 6 months with APF @ 1.3 m/s precision;Frequency of Earth;1 Mearth planet in a 35-d habitable-zone orbit around a nearby M dwarf – observed for 6 months with a 9-telescope global array @ 2.0 m/s precision;Sequential accretion scenario summary;Outstanding issues:


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