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11月10日上午 时间 标题及内容纲要 地点 报告人 09:50-10:40 Team 10. What it has been. What we can learn. What we can do. The presentation examines three important aspects of the Team10 story. In the first part the reasons of its origins of “non-movement” and its basic characteristics are examined within the context of the European culture of the 1960s-1980s. The individual contributions of its members are shown. The second part deals with legacy of Team10. The aspects of Team10 that nowadays are still alive and valuable are pointed out. The third section examines potential Team10 contributions and suggestions to face challenges our cities and urban societies will face in the future. 27号楼一楼多媒体教室 Paolo Ceccarelli 11月10日上午 时间 标题及内容纲要 地点 报告人 10:40-11:30 Part one: OPEN FORM, THE BASIS - A short introduction to Open Form and the exhibition - Open Form, Looking and seeing, for an active participation of everyone Part Two: MY HOUSE - MAKING IT OPEN TO PARTICIPATE TO MAKING A COMMUNITY IN THE LANDSCAPE 27号楼一楼多媒体教室 Svein Hatloy 11月10日晚上 时间 标题及内容纲要 地点 报告人 19:30-20:30 20:30-21:30 微观的人民城市 1.亚洲现代建筑与都市的发展 2.“都市闪光”与“微观都市方略” 3.从“违建”到“自建”的开放形式 社会—空间—互读,作为都市策略 1.四川,德阳民乐村 - 社会化与灾区重建 2.上海,安亭国际汽车城 - 多维城市化 3.北京,CBD东扩区金台路街道 - 超街区 27号楼一楼多媒体教室 季铁男 车飞 11月12日晚上 时间 标题及内容纲要 地点 报告人 19:30-20:10 Part one: STRONG WIND - OPEN FORM - Planning for individual cabins at the fjord of Gulen?. As a planner ms. Mona Steinsland introduces Open Form in land use for building private cabins. She gives a stone wall to every cabin to protect them from the strong wind. This leaves open for the private person to build the cabin in an individual way, because the macro climate element, the strong wind from the ocean, is taken care of in the site plan by these stone walls. Part Two: LARGE FJORD - BLUE VERANDA - My identity at the largest fjord of Norway The Blue Veranda is about identity of a new family moving into an existing community at Sogne Fjord, the larges of all the fjords of No



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