九年级英语下册Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship Topic 1 Section A 湘教版.ppt

九年级英语下册Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship Topic 1 Section A 湘教版.ppt

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九年级英语下册Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship Topic 1 Section A 湘教版

基础巩固 1. They prefered ___ in bed rather than ___ horses. A to lie , to ride B lying, riding C to lie, ride D lying, ride 2. I would rather ___ sports shows. A watch B to watch C watching D no watching C Prefer to do sth rather do sth. A * Homework 详细描述你看过的一部印象深刻的电视剧。可从下列方面阐述: (1)电视剧的名称及导演(director)。 (2)电视剧的主要演员(characters)。 (3)该剧的主要故事情节(plot)。 (4)给你印象最深的画面。 (5)对该电视剧的总体评价。 字数:100-120之间 * Topic 1 I would rather watch TV plays than sports shows Unit 6 Topic 1 Section A * Teaching aims and demands 1. Master some new words and phrases: would rather...than..., fall in love (with sb.), alive * 2. Go over v.-ing used as object: (1)In my spare time, I like watching TV shows, especially quiz shows. (2)I like watching soccer games best. 3. Learn to express preference and hobbies. 4. Broaden the students’ horizons. * Revision 1.Could you tell me what you usually do in your spare time? 2.What kind of books would you like to read? 3.Can you tell us something about the Four Great Inventions of China? 4.Which do you think is the most important one? Why? * New words This is a set of Chinese chess . It belongs to you. You are the owner of the Chinese chess. n. 所有人,物主 * Who are they? Li Ruiying Wang Xiaoya Liu Chunyan. * Who is she? Li Ruiying Li Ruiying hosts CCTV news. * Who is she Wang Xiaoya Wang Xiaoya is usually in charge of quiz shows. * Who is he? Liu Chunyan. Liu Chunyan hosts Children’s programs. * Brainstorming 1.How many program have we learnt? 2.TV plays, CCTV news, Sports shows . Cartoon, Entertainment shows ... * 1. She would rather watch TV plays than quiz shows. →would rather do sth. than sth. * 2. He would rather not watch sports shows. →would rather not do sth. 3. He would rather surf on line than watch TV. →would rather do sth. than do sth. * Which program is your favorite? Do you like quiz shows? “I like watching TV plays better than quiz shows.” She says she would rather watch TV plays than quiz show


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