
钛合金基人工植入体表面设计与制造分析-surface design and manufacturing analysis of titanium alloy-based artificial implant.docx

钛合金基人工植入体表面设计与制造分析-surface design and manufacturing analysis of titanium alloy-based artificial implant.docx

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钛合金基人工植入体表面设计与制造分析-surface design and manufacturing analysis of titanium alloy-based artificial implant

II II 些结构特征为调控其生物相容性奠定了基础。摩擦学结果显示,较高载 荷(5N)下,SCS+T 较 SCS+HA 涂层具有更好的耐磨性;而与两种复合 涂层相比,仿生沉积 HA 涂层有较低的摩擦系数和更好的耐磨性能。本 文结果对研制生物相容性可控且具有良好摩擦学性能的陶瓷涂层具有参 考价值。 (3)钛合金表面 TiO2 图案化生物陶瓷薄膜的制备及其性能研究。以 钛合金基血管支架植入体表面生物活性化设计以及图案化设计思想为指 导,通过酸碱预处理与溶胶-凝胶法相结合的制备工艺以及溶胶-凝胶模板 自组装法,在钛合金表面成功制备了两种具有特定微纳图案化结构的 TiO2 生物陶瓷薄膜。通过 AFM 研究了试验参数对薄膜表面微观形貌的影 响,并对其浸润性能以及摩擦学性能进行了研究。结果表明:样品表面 的图案化结构,均随试验参数的改变而呈现出规律性的变化,说明可以 通过控制特定的试验参数来实现对图案化特征的渐变控制。摩擦学结果 表明,两种 TiO2 图案化薄膜虽然具有不同的摩擦机理,但较传统方法制 备的 TiO2 溶胶-凝胶薄膜的抗磨损性能均有明显提高。证明了特定的图案 化微观结构可以提高薄膜的抗磨损性能,从而拓展了 TiO2 图案化生物陶 瓷薄膜的应用范围,为发展新型耐磨人工关节提供了理论依据。 关键词:表面设计,钛合金,生物陶瓷复合涂层,图案化薄膜,摩擦学 性能 III III THE SURFACE DESIGN AND PREPARATION RESEARCHES OF TITANIUM ALLOY ARTIFICIAL IMPLANTS ABSTRACT Biocompatibility including physical compatibility and interface compatibility is the basic functional requirement for artificial implants. It is hard to insure the physical compatibility and interface compatibility of the implants at the same time by constructing them using single kind of biomaterial. Thus the surface design researches of the implants based on the differences of their functional requirements and physiological environments are very important. To improve the long-term biocompatibility and mechanical stability of Titanium alloy hard tissue and stent implants, the surface design and preparation researches have been carried out by combining the theoretical and experimental research methods. The contents and the results of this work are as follows: The basic theory researches on the surface design of artificial implants. Summarized four kinds of artificial implants surface design methods based on the related theories of biomaterial surface engineering. By using them and considering the differences of the implants’ functional PAGE PAGE IV requirements and physiological environments, proposed several feasible surface design methods for Titanium alloy hard tissue and stent implants. This work has specified the research direction for the experimental researches. The prepa



peili2018 + 关注


