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对苯二甲酸二异辛酯的合成研究 中文摘要 对苯二甲酸二异辛酯(DOTP)是近年发展起来的新型增塑剂,它以其高绝缘、低挥发、耐热、耐寒、抗抽出、柔软性好,与PVC树脂有良好的相容性等优点而越来越引起橡塑行业的重视;它的某些性能已优于号称全能增塑剂的邻苯二甲酸二辛酯。 传统合成对苯二甲酸二异辛酯的方法是使用PTA直接酯化法和DMT酯交换法。由于PTA 和DMT 均为紧缺较贵的化工原料,用来生产对苯二甲酸二异辛酯成本较高。涤纶是聚酯的一种,在涤纶生产中会产生大量的废丝、废块,利用涤纶废料通过聚酯降解法来生产对苯二甲酸二异辛酯,该法生产过程简单,生产成本低,既能缓解对苯二甲酸的不足,又可实现涤纶废丝的资源化利用。用废涤纶制取对苯二甲酸二异辛酯是一种变废为宝、非常经济的方法。因此,本实验采用涤纶废料和异辛醇在醋酸锌做催化剂的条件下进行酯交换反应。为了探索反应的最佳条件,我们通过改变进料比、选择催化剂以及催化剂用量,发现在PET与异辛醇摩尔比为1:3.0,醋酸锌作催化剂且催化剂用量为PET质量0.5%时对苯二甲酸二异辛酯的产率最高。并对产物进行了红外和熔点测试,确定了产物即为我们的目的产物DOTP。 论文主要有以下内容: 1、简述DOTP的性能和用途; 2、简述DOTP的合成方法; 3、DOTP的合成研究。 关键字:涤纶废料;对苯二甲酸二异辛酯;DOTP Abstract DioetylterePhthalate(DOTP) is a kind of new PVC residues reeovery which Developes in recent years,it is more and more widely reeognized by rubber and Plastie Industry for its high insulation,softness and good merits of low volatilization,heat and cold resisting and good consistency with PVC. Some of its merits are better than The merits of all function residuces reeovery named DioetylPhthalte(DOP). The traditional production of DioetylterePhthalate approach is to use direct esterification of PTA and DMT transesterification law. As PTA and DMT are more expensive shortage of chemical raw materials, used in the production of DioetylterePhthalate, the cost is hingher. In the production of polyester will have a lot of waste block, through the use of polyester waste block to produce polyester degradation of the dioetylterePhthalate, the simple production process, production low cost, it can ease the shortage of terephthalic acid, polyester waste block can achieve the use of resources. Making use of waste polyester dioetylterePhthalate is a recycling, a very economic way. Therefore, the experimental use of polyester waste and octanol differences in zinc acetate and four nails titanate ester as catalyst under the conditions transesterification reactions. Through experiments and found differences in the PET and octanol differences of 1:3 at th dioetylterePhthalate of the highest yiel


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