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医学院校学生管理工作方法探索   [摘要] 医学院校学生管理工作的好坏直接关系到学生医德和综合能力的培养,医患关系能否有效解决,医学院校是否能够稳定发展和学校各项教学工作是否有序开展等问题。在现代物质社会和新媒体环境下,当代医学生在家庭、社会要求和影响下面临很大的学习和就业压力,一些同学能在学校中能变压力为动力,促进自身的全面发展;而一些同学因激烈的竞争环境而产生不良情绪,影响个体的身心健康。这些问题使医学院校在人才培养上面临极大挑战。因此剖析医学院校学生管理工作的现状,并从中找到科学合理、行之有效的学生管理方法是十分必要的。本文就当前医学院校学生管理工作中存在的问题展开分析,并从三个方面提出了改进医学院校学生管理工作方法的建议。   [关键词] 医学院校;学生管理;方法   [中图分类号] R05 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1673-7210(2014)04(b)-0149-04   [Abstract] The quality of student management in medical colleges is directly related to the ethics of the medical students and the cultivation of their comprehensive abilities; and it also affects that if the doctor-patient relationship can solve effectively, that if the medical colleges can go ahead with stability and development and that if the various teaching work of the medical colleges is operated orderly. In the modern material society and the new media circumstances, contemporary medical students who are in the influence of families, the social requirements face great study and employment pressures; Some students can turn pressure into motivation, to promote their comprehensive abilities on their own; while the other students due to the fierce competition environment would have a negative mood and would affect the individuals physical and mental health. All the problems mentioned above make medical colleges face huge challenges in talent cultivation. Therefore it is necessary to research the present situation of student management in medical colleges and to explore some scientific and reasonable and effective methods. This artical analyzes the current situation of students management in medical colleges, and put forward methods to improve the students management in medical colleges from three aspects.   [Key words] Medical college; Students management; Methods   作为医学院校管理工作重要组成部分,学生管理工作对于医学生个体的全面发展,当前医学生的就业问题,学校的各项工作顺利开展,医学院校未来的发展以及医患矛盾的缓和具有重要的意义。只有学生管理工作做好了,才能保证学校教学教务等各项工作的正常运行。随着社会的进步和网络技术的不断发展,现在的医学院校学生在生活与学习的自主性方面发挥的空间大,这对高等院校学生的管理工作提出诸多挑战,然而学生管理工作的好坏,将


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