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Sing with me, sing for the year 与我同唱,歌唱那一年 Sing for the laughter, sing for the tear 歌唱欢笑,歌唱泪水 Sing with me, just for today 与我同唱,歌唱此刻 Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away 可能明天,仁慈的主就会带走你 Entertainment is changin, intertwine it with gangsters 娱乐界变了,它与黑帮勾结 In the land of the killers, a sinners mind is a sanctum 在一个满是杀手的国度,人们崇拜罪人 Holy or unholy, only have one homey 要么圣洁要么罪恶,我只有一个朋友;Only this gun, lonely, cuz dont anyone know me 那就是这把枪,孤独,因为没人了解我 But everybody just feels like they can relate 可是每个人都认为他们能理解 I guess words are a motherfucker, they can be great 文字真是很混帐,有时可以很棒 Or they can be great, or even worse, they can teach hate 有时却会引人堕落,甚至会教人记恨 Its like kids hang on every single statement we make 孩子们会牢记我们(指RAPPER们)说的每一句话 Like they worship us, plus all the stores ship us platinum 他们崇拜我们,我们的唱片卖到白金销量 Now how the fuck did this metamorphosis happen? 怎么TMD会发生这种蜕变呢? From standin on corners and porches just rappin 从街头和门厅前的说唱小子 To havin a fortune, no more kissin ass 到大红大紫,不用再拍人马屁;But then these critics crucify you, journalists try to burn you 但是然后这些批评家又来抨击你,记者们恨不得要毁了你 Fans turn on you, attorneys all wan a turn at you 歌迷们倒戈相向,律师们让你心惊 To get their hands on every dime you have 他们想染指你的每一分钱 They want you to lose your mind every time you mad 每次你一生气,他们都希望你会因此发疯 So they can try to make you out to look like a loose cannon 这样他们就可以将你描述成一个大炮(意为举止无法预料的名人);Any dispute wont hesitate to produce handguns . 他们毫不迟疑的说你携带手枪 That’s why these prosecutors wanna convict me. 这就是为什么那些律师要严厉地控告我 strictly just to get me off of these streets quickly. 只是想尽快将我赶离那些街道 But all their kids been listening to me religiously. 但是他们的孩子还是会一直虔诚的听着我们的音乐 So Im signing CDs while police fingerprint me. 所以我一边给CD签名,一边还要按指纹 Theyre for the judges daughter, but his grudge is against me CD .是签给法官的女儿,但是他却恨我入骨 If Im such a fuckin menace, this shit doesn’t make sense, Pete. 如果我TMD是个威胁,PETE,这一切就太荒谬了;Its all political, if my music is literal and Im a criminal. 这一切全是因为政治,如果我在音乐里所说的属实,并且我是个罪犯的话 How the fuck can I raise a little


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