选修七 外研版 Module6培训课件.ppt

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选修七 外研版 Module6培训课件.ppt

Classical Gardens of Suzhou Classical Gardens of Suzhou Questions: 1.What do you know about Suzhou? (where is it? How many people live there? Why is famous?) Key: It lies in Jiangsu Province, near Shanghai. There are 6 million people there. It is famous for the 28th world heritage conference./ Because the 28th world heritage conference is held in Suzhou. 4.1972 1985 2003 2004 The World Heritage Committee established the World Heritage List. China signed the agreement. Suzhou invested 6 billion yuan to preserve the town’s character. The 28th World Heritage Conference took place in Suzhou. be part of 是---的一部份 世界遗产委员会 the World Heritage Committee 世界遗产会议 the World Heritage Conference 世界遗产名单系列 the World Heritage List sign the agreement 签订协议 divert water from Taihu Lake and Yangtze River to do sth 将太湖和长江的水改道来做某事 列入名单中 on the list The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. take place in Beijing. the first thing that was found at Zhoukoudian the number of items that were eventually found the number of places where Beijing Man lived the percentage of people who lived to the age of 50 the reason why work on the site stopped when the site became a world heritage site Words and Expressions (Part 1) some prehistoric human bones almost 200 items four sites fewer than 5% Japan invaded China in December 1987 two natural causes of the destruction of the caves the origin of pollution that is affecting the caves two demands from UNESCO two possible groups of people who can help to repair the caves Words and Expressions (Part 2) rain and exposure nearby cement factories the site should be closed and repaired the government and the general public part 1 Part 2 part 1 Part 2 1 the location of the Zhoukoudian caves 2 information about the human remains which were found 3 an estimate of when Beijing Man lived in the area 4 the probable length of Beijing Man’ life 5 information about the problems at the site 6 the cost of repairing the s


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