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English GrammarDec. 14, 2016Nothing is impossible, the word itself says Im possible! 冠词表示“某一个”、“有一个”,与 a certain 同义:In a sense what you said is true. 在某种意义上说A Mr. Lee came to see you while you were absent. 一位姓李的先生表示单位量词的“每”(非正式用语,正式用语当中使用per, each, every):10 dollars an hour,three pills a day,once a week用于集体名词,表示“一个……的集体”:a good class, a happy family. 用于物质名词前(coffee, food, tea, fruit, fog, rain, snow, wind等),表示“ 一种、一杯、一场…..” : A heavy rain fell yesterday.用于抽象名词前,抽象名词表示具体的人或事物时为可数名词。I am not sure whether I’ll win, but I’ll have a try. 我不确定能否赢,但我要试试。Music is really a great pleasure. 音乐的确是一种很好的娱乐方式。冠词用于专有名词前(表示具有某种特性的人或物、某一个不认识的人或不确定的时间):He is a Chinese and now is working as a doctor in Japan. I remember he came here on a Sunday and left soon.用于部分动词短语中(与动词take, have, make, give等构成短语,表示一种短暂性动作):Have a look/walk/break/try/bath/go 看一看/散步/休息一下/试一试/洗澡/试一试用于同源宾语前,与动词“同源”的名词前:dream a sweet dream 做了一个甜美的梦smile an attractive smile笑得迷人fight a hard fight进行艰苦的斗争die a glorious death 光荣牺牲sleep a sound sleep 睡得很香live a happy and peaceful life 过着幸福、平静的生活冠词定冠词的用法注意:这类词前如果有形容词修饰,也可用不定冠词,如:a clear night with a bright moon 一个皓月当空的清朗夜晚用于再次提到上文提到过的特定事物I went to a nearby restaurant. The food there was good, but the service of the restaurant was terrible. (我去了附近一家饭店,那里的饭菜很好,但服务很糟糕。)用于特指谈话双方都熟知的事物How are all the family(=your family)?(家里人都好吗?)用于宇宙中独一无二的事物的名词前(指各种天体及世界上比较有影响的物体)the sun, the moon用于单数可数名词前,指一类人或事物The pen is mightier than the sword. (笔胜于剑,文胜于武。= 文学的影响胜过军事力量。)用于表示地点、方位和时间的词前In the country, to the right, at the end出现对称的方位和时间时,冠词可以省略。from (the) east to (the) westfrom (the) beginning to (the) end冠词定冠词的用法用于形容词最高级、起特定作用的比较级及序数词前the heaviest,the first, the lastWhich story is the more interesting(story)of the two?用于“the+比较级…, the+比较级…”结构中The more we get together, the happier we’ll be.The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you’ll make. 用于 形容词或分词前,表示一类人或事物The old are easy to catch cold. 老年人容易感冒。We should provide medical care for the wounded right now. 我们应立即对伤员进行救治。用于表示演奏的西洋


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