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摘 要 PAGE - PAGE V - 摘 要 本系统基于ASP.NET和SQL SERVER进行开发,它们二者开发的系统易用且安全性好,同时,二者之间提供了很方便的接口。 参照流行的学术论文的投稿、审稿模式,学术论文网上投稿系统主要分为用户注册与投稿、编辑初审稿件和专家终审稿件三个模块,另外包括系统管理功能。该系统允许作者远程完成投稿,填写作者、标题、摘要、关键词等不可或缺的信息,并上传Word或PDF文档,之后可以选择存稿或投稿;允许编辑根据作者提交的稿件样式等非学术类信息决定该稿件是否通过初审,并提交专家进行终审;专家可以对已经通过初审的稿件进行内容上的审核,决定稿件的录用与否,并给出相应的建议。 学术论文网上投稿系统在投稿方面的使用,大大方便了作者的投稿,同时也方便了编辑和专家对稿件的审核,提高了工作效率。 本论文较为详细地叙述了系统的分析和设计过程,包含系统分析、系统设计和系统测试等内容。 关键词:学术论文,网上投稿,ASP.NET,SQL Server Abstract Abstract This system is based on ASP.NET and SQL Server. The system which uses these technologies is user-free and secure, and has a convenient interface between them. Referring to the process of writing and auditing academic papers, the online contribution system of academic papers consists of 4 parts: user’s register and papers’ contribution, the editor’s preliminary audit, the expert’s final audit, and system management. The system allows author to post his papers and fill title, abstract, key words and other indispensable information, and upload Word or PDF format articles. Then he can select to save or submit the paper. Then the system allows editor to audit the paper preliminarily according to style and some non-academic information. The editor can judge the paper whether passed or not, and delivery it to an expert. Then the expert can audit the paper finally according to academic content. Using the online contribution system of academic papers is greatly facilitating the author, and it’s easier for the editors and experts to examine the papers and improve work efficiency. This paper describes the system analysis and design process in detail, including analysis, system design and system testing, and so on. Keywords: academic papers, online contribution, ASP.NET, SQL Server 目 录 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \t "标题 8,1,致谢,1" HYPERLINK \l "_Toc" 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc \h I HYPERLINK \l "_Toc" Abstract PAGEREF _Toc \h II HYPERLINK \l "_Toc" 目 录 PAGEREF _Toc \h III HYPERLINK \l "_Toc" 第一章 引言 PAGEREF _Toc \h 1 HYPERLINK


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