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Part 1 Understanding Passages (每小题: 分) Directions: In this section youll hear a passage or passages. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage or dialog. 1. A. That he was generous too often. B. That he had too much to uncover. C. That he was only beginning life. D. That he was possibly too greedy. 2. A. They were often too generous. B. They often spoiled him too much. C. They made him go off to university. D. They made him follow their rules. 3. A. They had to understand their parents. B. They had more freedom overnight. C. They had become a lot greedier. D. They had much more to control. 4. A. They made improvements step by step. B. They were able to handle things well. C. They did things that could hurt them. D. They caused trouble they couldnt fix. 5. A. Refuse to spoil them. B. Relax their rules a little. C. Not control them at all. D. Handle responsibility. Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage or dialog. 6. A. Methods for reducing pollution. B. The shutting down of factories. C. Managed development. D. The dangers of pollution. 7. A. It specifies the goals for managed development. B. It will facilitate environmentally friendly development. C. Environmental protection is involved in development. D. It will promote national and local economic development. 8. A. They keep a close eye on existing polluters. B. They encourage environmentally friendly industries. C. They no longer provide money for polluting businesses. D. They close polluting businesses. 9. A. To discuss environmentally friendly development. B. To discuss world managed development. C. To discuss worldwide pollution. D. To discuss the steps taken by China and other countries. 10. A. Money. B. International partnership. C. Managed development. D. Appropriate technologies. Part 1 Understanding Passages????(每小题: 1 分;??满分:10 分) 小题 得分 对错 我的答案 客观 1. 1 D D 2. 1 D D 3. 1 B B 4. 1 C C 5. 1 B B 6. 0 A C 7. 0 B C


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