最新Lesson 11The Importance of Just Being There.pptVIP

最新Lesson 11The Importance of Just Being There.ppt

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最新Lesson 11The Importance of Just Being There.ppt

Return legal practice work of a lawyer 律师的工作 eg. She has retired from legal practice. 他已不再从事律师的工作。 * hhjkl Return stand by look on without doing anything 旁观 eg. How can you stand by and do nothing when she needs help. 当她需要帮助的时候,你怎么能袖手旁观哪? * hhjkl Return critical adj. of or at a crisis; decisive; crucial 危急时刻的,关键的 eg. We are at a critical time in our history. 我们正处于历史的紧要关头。 * hhjkl Return break (something) down analyze, classify 分析,分类 eg. The figures must be broken down into several lists. 这些数字必须分列在几个单子上。 * hhjkl evaluate v. find out or form an idea of the amount or value of somebody or something; assess 评价,估计,评估 eg. I can evaluate his ability even without seeing his work. 即使我没有看到他的工作情况,也能评估他的能力。 Return * hhjkl dispassionately v. not influenced by emotion; impartially 不动感情地,冷静地,公 平地 eg. She listened dispassionately but with great interest to both arguments. 他平心静气地听着,然而对双方的理由都极为注意。 Return * hhjkl Return stressed out exhausted from worry 心急如焚 eg. When I heard the news, I was stressed out to drive to tell her. 当听到这个消息时,我心急如焚地开车去告诉她。 * hhjkl logically adv. in a logical way; according to what is reasonable or logical 合逻辑地,合乎常理地 eg. Logically, one should become wiser with experience. 从常理上讲,人应随着经验的增长而变得更精明。 Return * hhjkl Return layoff n. dismissal of a worker, usu. for a short time 解雇工人(通常为短期) eg. There are many layoffs among factory workers. 工人中有许多暂遭解雇的人。 * hhjkl Return encounter n. sudden or unexpected (esp. hostile) meeting 突然的或意外的(尤指敌对的)相遇 eg. I had a frightening encounter with a poisonous snake. 我有过吓人的突遇毒蛇的经历。 * hhjkl Return alter v. become different; change in character, position, size, shape, etc 改变,更改 eg. I didn’t recognize him because he had altered so much. 我没认出他来,因为他变了许多。 * hhjkl Return perspective n. view, esp. one stretching into the distance 景(尤指由近而


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