
珠三角品牌管理论文(理论概念内容 案例 参考文献)-管理论文.doc

珠三角品牌管理论文(理论概念内容 案例 参考文献)-管理论文.doc

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珠三角品牌管理论文(理论概念内容 案例 参考文献)-管理论文

珠三角品牌管理论文(理论概念内容+案例+参考文献)-管理论文 珠三角品牌管理论文(理论概念内容+案例+参考文献) 摘要 现代社会中,品牌是一个非常重要本文源自六维论文网的社会经济现象。消费者依赖品牌来辨别、选择产品和服务,甚至依靠品牌表现自身的品位、价值观和感情取向。制造商或服务商则通过品牌来传达产品质量、感情以及价值取向等诸多内容,以赢得顾客的忠诚和自身的长远发展。不仅如此,越来越多的非营利机构也采取了品牌化的做法,积极塑造自身的品牌形象业品牌策略不健全、不合理,对品牌的维护执行不力,形同虚设。作为珠三角的企业品牌策略建设应统一指导和规范、全面构建整体框架,完善企业品牌策略,保证企业品牌的质量,对于发展企业和提高企业的经济效益有着非常重要的意义。 本文对当前珠三角地区企业品牌策略存在的问题,特别是针对企业品牌的通病等做了一定的探索和研究。 首先,简述了品牌的概念和作用,说明了企业实施品牌策略的意义和重要性。 其次,分析珠江三角洲企业品牌管理的现状和存在的问题,通过列举广州本田、广州白云山企业和广东格兰仕集团的成功例子,同时也举了广东太阳神集团、巨人集团和???? 等企业的失败例子。说明品牌对企业生存和发展的重要性。 再次,总结了品牌策略成功和失败的原因。 最后,依照个人的看法,提出了企业解决品牌策略的各种对策。 关键词:珠三角地区,产品品牌,品牌策略 Abstract Modern society, branding is a very important socio-economic phenomenon. Consumers rely on brand names to identify, select products and services, and even rely on their own brand performance grade, values and emotional orientation. Manufacturers or service providers through brand names to convey the quality of products, feelings and values and many other content, to win the loyalty of customers and their long-term development. Moreover, the growing number of non-profit agencies have taken a branding approach and actively shaping its own brand image, to the use of the powerful appeal of this state of the market is mainly due to economic underdevelopment, inadequate attention to the brand, corporate brand strategy is not perfect and unreasonable to maintain brand ineffective implementation useless. Enterprises in the Pearl River Delta as a brand-building strategy should be unified guidance and norms, the overall construction of a comprehensive framework, a sound brand strategy, Brand guarantee the quality, for the development of enterprises and improving the economic efficiency of enterprises have a very important significance. ?This paper is intended to present the PRD enterprises in the region of brand strategy, especially for enterprise brands such as a common problem for a certain exploration and research. First, outlined the concept of branding and the role that corporate brand s


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