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In theory, there are four ways of reducing the heart sinus rate: By prolonging the action potential repolarization time By reducing maximal diastolic potential (more electronegative potential) By shifting the threshold potential to a more positive level By slowing the rate of diastolic depolarization This study shows that Procoralan only acts by reducing the slope of diastolic depolarization without significant changes in maximal diastolic potential In theory, there are four ways of reducing the heart sinus rate: By prolonging the action potential repolarization time By reducing maximal diastolic potential (more electronegative potential) By shifting the threshold potential to a more positive level By slowing the rate of diastolic depolarization This study shows that Procoralan only acts by reducing the slope of diastolic depolarization without significant changes in maximal diastolic potential In theory, there are four ways of reducing the heart sinus rate: By prolonging the action potential repolarization time By reducing maximal diastolic potential (more electronegative potential) By shifting the threshold potential to a more positive level By slowing the rate of diastolic depolarization This study shows that Procoralan only acts by reducing the slope of diastolic depolarization without significant changes in maximal diastolic potential In theory, there are four ways of reducing the heart sinus rate: By prolonging the action potential repolarization time By reducing maximal diastolic potential (more electronegative potential) By shifting the threshold potential to a more positive level By slowing the rate of diastolic depolarization This study shows that Procoralan only acts by reducing the slope of diastolic depolarization without significant changes in maximal diastolic potential * 这一生物标志物在心衰的诊断与鉴别诊断、危险分层和评估预后的临床价值,已获得充分肯定,但其能否指导治疗,则临床研究结果并不一致,专家意见分歧。通常评估心衰治疗效果主要根据3 方面的临床状况是否改善,即症状和(或)体征、反映心功能的指标,如左室射血分数(LVEF)、NYHA 分级、6 min 步行距离等和反映心肌重构的指标,如心脏大小,尤其左心室大小


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