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XXX: 认真看过你的文章,觉得问题不少。总的来看,整篇文章的论证过程较为混乱,不少观点尚值商榷(其中较为严重之处详见文中黄色字批语);其次,整篇文章似乎是在简单罗列别人的观点,重点不够突出,结构更像是教科书而不大像一篇学术论文,除了结论部分,似乎很少有属于自己论述的东西(我指的是内容而不是语言问题)。也正因如此,结论显得较为突然但又苍白无力。 语言表达问题相当严重。主要体现在总体表达不够流畅,翻译腔太浓;词语搭配过于随意;词性不分。建议你请个写作语言功底较好的同学帮你重新修改、润色,切切! 注:文中紫色字是我已为你改好的部分,可不必再改,但也要认真看一看,对于你自己写作的提高应该是有帮助的。红色字部分是有较严重错误的或是我不明就理的地方,望你认真修改。绿色字部分内容涉及到文章中的格式问题,不符合学术论文的写作规范,也望修改为盼。 顺祝假日快乐! 黄清贵 Time and Space Cultural Differences and Inter-Cultural Communication Abstract: Time and space behaviors make greatest difference and sensitivity in the intercultural communication. Due to the differences of ways of thinking, people of different cultures have different attitudes to time and space when they communicate with each other. Thus, the paper studies not only Chinese ethical attitude to time and space and the attitude to time and space in other cultural background, but also the similarities and differences between them. It well reacts on both promoting the intercourse between Chinese and western countries and reducing the number of lapsus in the intercultural communication. The paper leads us to comprehend more correctly and deeply and to master comparatively correct and moderate time and space behaviors in the intercultural communication. Key words: Intercultural communication; attitude to time; attitude to space; cultural differences Introduction As we all know, different countries have different cultures. Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from one another. (Hofstede, 1991:文后参考文献中找不到该文献,为何?) :文后参考文献中找不到该文献,为何? The world today is characterized by an ever growing number of contacts resulting in communication between people with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. This communication takes place because of contacts within the areas of business, military cooperation, science, education, mass media, entertainment, tourism but also because of immigration brought about by labor shortage or political c


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