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第 22卷第 3期 上 海 电 力 学 院 学 报 V ol. 22, No. 3
2006 9 Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Pow er Sep. 2006
: 006 -4729(2006)03 - 0233 -06
( , 200090)
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:TQ 032 :A
Study on Catalytic Cracking of Tar Component in Biomass
Gasification for Electric Power Generation
DOU Bin-lin, REN Jian-xing
(School of Therma lPowerEnvironm entalEngineering, Shangha iUn iversity of
E lectricP ower, Shanghai 200090, China)
Abstract: The catalytic crack ing of tar component from high temperature gas cleaning in biom ass
gasification for electric power generation is one of the key technologies. -methylnaphthalene is
chosen as a model of tar component in th is paper. The effects of reaction temperature and space
velocity are studied in certain conditions. A 4-lump kineticmode,l wh ich relates the tar component
conversion to coke yield, is developed to describe the catalytic cracking process of tar componen.t
The kinetic parameters of the A rrhen ius’ law and the deactivation parameters are estmi ated by a
non-linear regression program. The expression for the coke yield as a function of tar component
conversion is show n to predict the expermi ental data.
K ey words: biomass gasification;catalytic crack ing of tar;kineticmodel
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