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酒店餐饮部/健身中心精细化管理与服务规范 酒店餐饮部/健身中心 Hotel F amp; B / Fitness Center 精细化管理与服务规范 Meticulous management and service standards 第一章 chapter one 健身房营业场所卫生管理规范表 Gym place of business and health management standard table 营业场所 Place of business 卫生清洁标准 Hygiene standards 服务台及接待室 Desk and Reception Room 服务台台面须擦拭干净,台内物品应摆放整齐,地面、墙面、沙发、茶几应擦拭干净 Desk tops shall be wiped clean, items should be placed neatly inside the station, floors, walls, sofa, coffee table should be wiped clean 更衣间 Dressing room 地毯与更衣室柜要保持干净,并喷洒清新剂、消毒剂;更衣室凳应每天消毒;妥协应每天用药液浸泡消毒 Carpets and cabinets to keep a clean locker room and spraying freshener, disinfectant; locker room stool should be disinfected daily; compromise should be disinfected daily with liquid immersion 健身房 Gym 地毯与墙面要保持干净;器械应用抹布擦拭;器械与身体频繁接触的部分,入手柄、卧推台面,须每天用消毒药液擦拭 Carpets and wall to keep clean; device applications rag; equipment in frequent contact with the body part into the handle, bench tops, cleaning liquid to be disinfected every day 淋浴间 Shower 每天冲洗并消毒,将淋浴器手柄擦拭干净 Daily washing and disinfection, wipe clean the shower handle 卫生间 Bathroom 每天冲洗地面、墙面、坐便器,然后用消毒药液擦拭;镜面、坐便器盖、水箱手柄、洗手池手柄等都要用干抹布擦净 Daily washing floors, walls, toilet, and then wipe with a disinfectant liquid; mirror, toilet cover, water tank handle, the sink handles and so use a dry cloth wipe 休息室 Lounge 每天对地面、墙壁、及沙发进行吸尘;电视柜、电视机、茶几、烟灰缸要保持干净;垃圾桶内的垃圾要谁是清除 Day on the ground, walls, and sofa vacuumed; TV cabinets, TV, coffee table, ashtray to keep clean; trash who refuse to remove 第二章 chapter two 健身中心精细化管理 Fitness Center Fine management 职 责 Responsibilities 职责细分 Responsibility segments 职责类别 Duty category 11.制定健身中心经营计划与规范性文件 1. Fitness center business plan and develop normative documents (1)根据健身中心营业计划,制定健身中心的各项营业计划 (1) According to the fitness center business plan to develop the fitness center business plan 周期性 Periodicity (2)制定健身中心的服务程序、工作规范、设备操作规程及质量标准 (2)develop procedures for fitness center services, job specifications, equipment, operating procedur


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