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       580 2007 10        PET R LEUM EXPL RATI N AND DEVEL PMENT        Vol.34 No. 5  :1000-0747(2007)05-058-0 05 Tmax 张振苓,邬立言,脱奇,舒念祖 (中国石油勘探开发研究院) :中国石油天然气股份有限公司科技攻关项目“油气地质实验技术方法研究”(090010020) :对于因油、沥青或其他可 有机质的侵入而导致 Tmax 值降低的烃源岩, 只要改变岩石热解分析S 2 峰的热解分析条 件, 提高其起始分析温度, 便可去除有机污染物对热解烃S 2 峰的干扰, 恢复其 Tmax 原值。通过实验研究了不同S 2 起始分 析温度对未熟烃源岩 Tmax 值、高成熟烃源岩 Tmax 值及非烃进入S 2 峰相对量的影响, 及氯仿沥青“A”、原油、泥浆有机添加 剂的侵入对烃源岩 Tmax 值的影响。在此基础上提出, 改变S 2 峰的热解分析条件, 以380~600 ℃温度范围分析S 2 峰, 可还 原 Tmax 真值。应用该方法对受重质可 有机质严重污染的烃源岩 Tmax 值进行了还原, 还原结果与该岩样的镜质体反射率 吻合, 证实了其可靠性。图8表9 参 10 :烃源岩; 解;Tmax 异常值;还原;原值 :TE0657. 3   :A Abnormal value recovery of maturity parameter Tmax for Rock-Eval ZHANG Zhen-ling, WU L-i yan, T U Qi, SHU Nian-zu R esearch I ns titute of P etroleum E xp loration D evelop m en t, P etroChina, B eij ing 100083, Ch ina ( ) Abstract:The Tm ax values will be abnormally low when the source rocks are contaminated by soluble organic matters, such as oil, bitumen and the like. These organic contaminants can be removed by increasing the initial S 2 pyrolysis temperature, and the normal values of Tmax can be got. Different initial S 2 pyrolysis temperatures have been tested on both high maturity source rocks and low maturity source rocks, in which different organic matters such as non-hydrocarbon, chloroform extract, crude oil or additive in drilling fluids are contained. n the basis of the test results, it is proposed that the normal Tmax values could be recovered at the S 2 pyrolysis temperature range of 38-0 600 ℃.A heavily contaminated source rock has been recovered by this method, the Tmax has best correlation with R o of cuttings in well BXX. Key words:source rock;Rock-Eval;Tmax abnormal value;recovery;origi


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