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东北师范大学东师英语写作(一)16秋在线作业1 一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。) 1. “Mother,you promised to buy a bike for my birthday.” “Well,____.” A. so did I B. so I did C. so do I D. so I do 正确答案: 2. Do you think that the students will ___from this method of teaching? A. interest B. value C. benefit D. . advantage 正确答案: 3. “May I help you with your washing?” “Yes,it will be nice if you____.” A. help B. wash C. do D. would do 正确答案: 4. Jack is cinsidered an eccentric as he ___social coventions. A. disregarded B. neglected C. overlooked D. despised 正确答案: 5. “Mother,you promised to buy a bike for my birthday.” “Well,____.” A. so did I B. so I did C. so do I D. so I do 正确答案: 6. Her parnts dont ____her boy friend,who is 15 years older than she. A. approve B. approve of C. agree with D. agree on 正确答案: 7. He was so ____that he believed whatever he was tol A. credulous B. incredulous C. credible D. incredible 正确答案: 8. As the bus is so____,we had better go home on foot. A. crowdy B. crowding C. crowd D. crowded 正确答案: 9. Here is the dessert._____? A. Do you like some B. Would you like some C. Do you like that D. Would you like that 正确答案: 10. I____to meet you here. A. didnt expect B. hadnt expected C. dont expect D. will not expect 正确答案: 11. I cannot figure____the sum I require. A. in B. out C. up D. over 正确答案: 12. We were told that two hours____the limit of time for the test. A. is B. are C. was D. were 正确答案: 13. _____there, he found a great deal to interest him. A. This being his first visit B. Never having visited C. This being his first time to visit D. Having never been before 正确答案: 14. Three days to see____my interest in knowing more about Helen Keller A. rose B. arose C. aroused D. raised 正确答案: 15. Some people did not go to university____their own choice. A. from B. by C. of D. in 正确答案: 16. A:We went to Italy for a holiday last year. B:That ___nice. A. can be B. must be C. must have been D. cant have been. 正确答案: 17. People must be ___ to the responsibility to their own nation. A.


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